BR is broken - Enlisted should switch to a point system

I like this idea, though I think by changing your title you could gain more support.

Its definitely a huge issue that players (especially newer players) are getting just a couple BR3 items then being thrown into BR3-5 games and getting absolutely stomped.

Far too frequently I’m seeing BR1-2 tanks and planes (as well as other equipment) coming into BR5 games and its not even close to fair for them, and when I’m having games where at least half my team is like this, its not fair to the rest of us to have to attempt to carry them.


And what is the meaning of pumping, silver, gold, pumping branches? Your idea is a bit absurd in our game realities. In WT, it makes sense, because there equipment can survive for a long time, and the dead are knocked out, but this is not acceptable in our country, it is necessary that the player plays the whole game until the end of reinforcements

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No, this would be even more broken than anything else. Terrible idea.


Too easy to exploit. On the surface it’s good but I strongly feel it would be easy to manipulate.

We just need more queue’s.

DF thinks we can’t have them until we have more players. I’d argue that we won’t have more players until we have them.

It’s like professional life:

Superior: Scale the business, increase revenue by 50%!
Subordinate: I can do it if I can hire 2 people.

Superior: Get the revenue and then you can hire.

Egg… Chicken… Egg… Chicken.

Which one?


I agree. It’s stupid that one high BR weapon makes me “equal” to whole high BR lineup.
For example I have BR2 lineup and I’d like to add one BR3 weapon but I can’t because I’ll potentially face fully decked out BR5 sqads (BR4 if we change to BR±1).

I’d exclude vehicles from this as differences between BRs are much more impactful than in case of infantry weapons. BR on your vehicle should be the lowest BR you can get.

Problem is, I don’t think devs are capable of implementing this well as it would quite hard to balance.


Again opinions based on feelings.
I made a similar suggestion (comment) some time ago with calculations and analyzed ~10 possible cases of how ppl may want to exploit it. But ppl said it’s bad because they feel so.
Several dozens of lines of calculations lost in confrontation with somebody’s feelings.

Sorry for this small rant. I took it a bit too personally.


I prefered the first system based on map.

But i wouldnt say the br system is broken. Just that its barely implemented. Its like the works been done, but it just hasnt been activated


math you did is still more understable than current br system

I think they should do it like this, because this way there’s much less stuff player has to know which is good.


How is this bad idea ? Are you saying my KT2 is too much in BR1 even ive got 3 other squads equipped with nothing but spades ?

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In my model you would be clasified as BR4 at best. And that’s with the very basic rules applied and 0 tweaking.

But math can’t stand in our way!

Yeah, because DF would definitely implement such a complex system in proper way.

The preferred map system was way more straightforward, yet they achieved to screw it up. (And it’s not like they didn’t screwed up the BR system as well lmao)
The system OP suggested would be just complete mess in hands of DF. That’s reality. I just don’t see a way how they would be able to implement it right.

Your naivety rn is immeasurable.

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Average BR score needs lots of queues to be effective or the gap between the least score guy and the most score guy would be enormous. And then you need to convince DF that more than 2 queues are required.

good idea but actually impossible to implement in a working way.
separating BRs into br 1/2, br 3/4 & br 5 and adding 2 bots into the game that use all kinds of gear (for better immersion, without the issue of OP abuse, since bots wont distort game just because they have superior weapons) is by far the best solution ive seen to the current BR problem. also makes the game more fun for beginners, since they can see (and pick up!) all kinds of weapons, despite still being very low in research.

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I didn’t say devs would implement it right, quite the oposite (see my first comment).
I just said weighted average can be done, works well and I have mathematical proof for this that ppl keep ignoring.

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Yeah, whatever. Proper BR system can be done well, proper preferred map system can be done well.

It’s not about the system you choose. But it’s too late to experiment with another system.

Agree with that.

Actually I’ll tell you a secret. For at least a year I write suggestions that I know won’t be implemented. But they are a nice thought experiment and I like writing them, predicting problems they may cause, how to prevent them etc. It’s just my weitd way of having fun.


Not sure what you’re so fired up about. Almost everything on this forum is opinion. I clearly worded my statement in an intellectually honest way that it’s what I think / feel would or would not work. An opinion.

Many others like to spout off opinions as if they are unassailable fact. I do not.

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I mean… it works for a Workshop, that makes Games… just saying.

thats the problem for me, its a big no from me allowing high BR equipment in lower BR’s due to smaller quantity.

What comes to “point” system sure, if its used to match say ppl with 1 FG42 against ppl with 1 AVT.
But no players and what else reasons to not have working matchmake.

That’s the whole point; they are running around with a smaller quantity. A soldier or two with a high level weapon shouldn’t, in the grand scheme of things, unbalance things all that much. It’s only when players start running around with nine man squads of more powerful weapons that things start to get unbalanced. Which, if they balance the points right, shouldn’t happen.

Also, by setting point totals; new players with fully kitted out (with what’s available to them) can be matched against other players with a similar point total. The player who put on the trollface and put an FG42 in each squad may find that (again, if the points are balanced right), they are being matched with mostly people doing the same thing.

All in all, remember, BR doesn’t ALWAYS correspond to actual power level, and a player with a higher BR weapon isn’t ALWAYS going to win. Bolt action rifles were obsolescent by 1940, but they killed a lot of people in WW2, and in the game, I rack up plenty of kills with them.