BR I - Lack of player!

So Im playing Br1 since germany is pretty much dead right now, and I had this match today, what is this? what happened to new players from steam? why do I play against BR3 Stack which is they used VPG-SVT-ROKS-T34(41)- and Mighty KV1… do we still suffers from lack of player??

this is just players for steam

usually we have 6-12k concurrent players on all 6 servers. gaijin enabled linking accounts with steam, so majority of those players could be existing players (no way to differentiate new players from old in that data).

also new players get protected MM for first couple of matches where they play only against new players and bots.

btw it also depends on time and server you play on.

also think that steam concurrent players show only people who have run the game, not necessarily those who actually play it currently.

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New players have no reason to stay on BR1 for long. You can get BR2 stuff pretty quickly.


Lets say we have new players from steam, even if they get BR2 equipment, I should not play against Br3- This Br3 stacks should play against BR2 or BR4 considering we have new players now, considering matchmaking promises me BR1-2

Look like that join any team bonus need to arrive in the next update otherwise more post like this will pop up

it doesnt promise you that. it tries to find you match on BR1-2 and if there are not enough players in both teams for pure BR1-2 match in minute or two, it finds you a match on BR1-3.

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Exactly! I already Know… But as u can see it says Br1-2! if it says this instead of br1-3 I have to assume it will be 1 and 2, and since we are considering there are new players from steam, br1 should have safe from Br 3

It just recently released on steam, so we probably don’t have a whole lot of people playing it on steam yet. After the last steam launch failure it probably scared some of those players away. Give it about a month, Even BR V has been almost non-existent with the player base with the exception of a few hours a day. So it makes me wonder if everyone jumped to BR III.

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I play on the North American server during EST and play exclusively BR2 - and I’ve seen what are probably tons of Steam players. Entire matches full of them.

You can tell because they don’t do the most obvious things like - verify that someone’s actually dead, or work on the time bomb thing, instead just running into the room, waiting around and then getting killed w/out trying to defuse or set the fuse on it.

I know for me, this was like 3 months ago when I had similar experiences b/c I didn’t know how to play the game and it’s got some idiosyncrasies.

They also tend to stay back and snipe…a LOT. (I actually don’t blame them, as that is the easiest way to start getting points and feeling like you are actually being effective.) Makes for long drawn out matches though, where your side still overwhelmingly wins, but it just keeps the game going while you hunt down the last 150-200 points. (Ugh.)

Also, SOO many mine deaths. Heh.

People keep saying that! Just getting to Tier 2 in the research tree may not be that hard, and maybe even buying some units of BR1 is doable - but all the other things - like buying enough soldiers to fill out a squad? Equipping them, getting some mines, or improved rifles/SMGs? Large Ammo packs? Or A bunch of explosives PER soldier? Upgraded weapon on each soldier?

Unless you’re playing every night for 3+ hours a night, getting to a competitive BR2 level (e.g. where all those marshals are at) takes several months.

you are just describing average enlisted player :stuck_out_tongue:

people were overestimating the amount of people steam would bring in. I suspect a lot of it was just people wanting to use steam instead of a dedicated launcher.

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First off one way to help this would be improving silver gain. Not only would it help new players but it would help veterans as well. That way people can upgrade a little more and get the things that they need. Another thing that would help would be getting rid of soldier RNG, so every soldier rolls at max stats. This would go a long way in helping both veterans and new players. This would help newer players get to tier II faster.

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Well thats honestly Bad luck but see the good way dude You earned a Lot of points personaly if i get more than 4k points is a supreme victory for me XD so don’t be sad dude You did a very good work on That Game
: ) but i recommend You to rest if You are stressed

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I agree they need to increase silver gain dramatically.

Particularly since old vets from Pre-merge…


I keep seeing people say this crap about getting to BR2 very quickly - they may get there but they can’t afford it!

Ultimately, getting to Tier2 isn’t the thing. it’s being able to afford all the cool new stuff (like upgraded rifles, mines, explosives, engineers/snipers/radio/machine gunners to replace generic soldiers - ALL that costs silver, and then some - once you get there, which is the thing.

I mean, I think the devs are working on it - but it’s the people who have not been a newb since the Merge that say absolutely witless comments. (I started like 3ish months ago. I’ve spent probably $500 and I have basically Russian and Americans at pretty well stocked up BR2. And I bought some premium units of course, including some German V that I haven’t used in two months.)

I’m a veteran of the game, And I do agree. Getting to BR II is easy. That could be done in a few days if not sooner easily. But affording the equipment is the real issue, they need to take the different equipment and adjust the prices and give silver appropriate to it.

BR I - 500 silver
BR II - 1000 silver
BR III - 1500 silver
BR IV - 2500 silver
BR V 3000 (possibly 3500 for the sake of the grind)

They also need to make sure soldiers roll at max stats, no More RNG they got rid of RNG with the merge with the exception of soldier stats. That’s just my proposal with it though. It would go a long way to helping both new player and veteran.

They’re already adjusted the prices of a lot of things once but they didn’t do it enough. When the merge happened the price of everything went up to almost x2 And it’s still awarding based on the old formula. When they adjusted things to try to improve it it’s still at a minimum 50% more expensive than it was pre-emerge.


Level 3 is great
Not only can you hunt low-level players
You can also have enough counterattack ability at level 5

It doesn’t matter if they don’t want to change the silver coin income.
But the price of soldiers must be changed
I don’t want to spend a bunch of money drafting soldiers
This game is called conscription, not paying for conscription
It’s just a box full of negative feedback

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you are wrong. this game is called enlisted.

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Translation software issues
That’s pretty much what it means

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