BR I German AT rifles ROF

Why are these so bad?

The damage is great, But the fire rate is horrible. Especially noticeable when compared to weapons like the PTRS, I get it’s a BR II weapon but it has 75 rate of fire. The German AT rifles have a fire rate of 14 after upgrades, definitely think these should have a fire rate of at least 20.

The 38 having a upgraded fire rate of 20, and the 39 with a rate of 22/23 makes more sense and is balanced considering it has larger mags then the PTRS. PTRS would beat it in fire rate, still by a massive margin and both of the German AT rifles would have it beat in mag size. A buff like this may seem negligible in size but enough to make a difference That’s not overly broken or unbalanced while still keeping this is a viable option within BR I.

this is the answer

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Yes but adding the Solothurn would be best for BR II. It’s existed in the editor for a very long time and has yet to be added.

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Doesn’t the reload speed perk help with AT reload, or is it just “normal” guns?

But yeah, the early German AT rifles take an age to reload.

It definitely works on the AT weapons, but I don’t know if it improves ATR “cycling” rate, because PzBs are single shot magazine fed, so I don’t know how it makes sense in the game code.

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Actually if you want to be an actual GE, at gunner is better use demo packs than these things i refuse to use the GE anti tank rifles if i’m not using them to make some war crimes😈

Nope, the “mag” is actually a disadvantage since it is not a real mag but a small ammo container, the gun is still single shot. It actually decrease your rate of fire since you need to open and close the container during reload.

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It would be nice if when the gun is mounted, soldier would open the box while mounting and close when dismounting so loading each bullet would take a second less.

Link to the suggestion I made 2y ago.

It will be easier if we just leave the box open all the time.

It would be closed on move though. That’s how it was used.
But I don’t think anyone cares any more. We can’t have nice things.