PzB-38 and PzB-39 reload improvement

Current reload looks like this:

Soldier opens and closes the magazine box each time he has to reload.

It would be nice if when the gun is mounted (bipod fix soon™), soldier would open the box while mounting and close when dismounting so loading each bullet would take a second less.
Just a nice bonus for extra effort (yes, mounting counts as effort).



Each available bullet dynamically displayed in the mag.
It’s nice that sometimes they do such little things, it’s a pity that they don’t always.


tbf the demand gets real serious and the team has no options but to rush things

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Yeah, when they take their time they do some nice things.

Like for example the bomb nerf in CBT. They could have just nerf the blast radious by 50% but instead they’ve made a system that works quite good.

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I like this, though Mounting will need to be completely fixed and I should be able to mount while laying down and not just see grass.

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I prefer it this way to be honest. Rushing out a solution to appease the whiners will just slowly bleed the game out. The new bomb system made it so small bombs aren’t useless if you can aim them well while still having some form of counterplay for infantry.

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This problem is unsolvable sadly. Trust me, I’ve tried.


pobrane (4)

Well, at least at the forum, I think many would agree to the development of 4 campaigns, and not the addition of Stalingrad and the Pacific.
They bury themselves, as a result, a minimum of content will be released for each campaign every six months.

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I just hope that pacific will be the last one for now. Otherwise we will end up with a new gun a year for older campaigns. Take note that I wrote “a gun”.

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