BR Change Suggestions

M2 is a really good weapon at BR5, it is very similar to STG (slightly lower damage and higher ROF) and it even has better dispersion than assault rifle. M2 is an assault rifle that you can equip to every one, making it an “assault rifle” class weapon will only make it worse.


Now compare both m2 and stg45 and tell me which one is better, and then look at the T20 and ask yourself if you still think that m2 is that bad?


yes for one reason, who is more likely to quickly down a soldier at any range i put M2 at the bottom of all BR5 rifles

And how often will you fight at those insane long ranges with your m2? I think you should be using a sniper rifle instead or a bipoded MG. M2 has a bayonet for a reason you know?

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Select fire rifle a short range weapon… the more you know and knowing is half the battle lol

Maybe, but it is still miles away from any BR4 rifles.

(Also I don’t think this statement is true; M2 is a great gun and I love using it)


I can’t count the number of times i have hit the enemy only for them to shoot me back and kill me

You have a bipod use them to get closer, not a single German AR has that privilege. Plus you still kill people quicker at mid range than STG45 due the rof and much lower dispersion. If you bring M2 Carbine to BR4 what will you do with other dogshit rifle there like Johnson or just okay Farquhar? I smell a strong USA bias from you, you don’t want to analyze data that i just provided you nor want to use tools that DF provided for your guns.

M2 is great. I think ppl still think of it when it was in it’s PRE fix state.

Now, it’s wonderful. Can be equipped by everyone. Decent damage. High rof. HUGE ammo pool! (No other sf rifle has that many). No recoil.


it would be recoil if, its damage was not comparable to a SMG/AR which have better recoil

I could say the same about the AVS and first pattern FG-42

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I was thinking about getting it but after reading your comment, I’ll pass.

Maybe if devs add some birds ingame that can be shot down, I’ll think about it…

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being wrong is an option without evidence a poor one, why do you think they are weak

and i will not accept how great the T20 is as making those weak the T20 was just added

Couple of thoughts from my side:

Particular weapons: PPD29/30 should be tier III, esp. seeing how MP 40/I is there too.

A general proposal: All pistol caliber SMGs with less than 90 rounds mag should be Tier 3 or 4 to spread out the guns a bit more along the BRs now that they have been separated. It doesn’t really make sense to me that PPSH, Kiraly or MP 717 (r), Suomi, etc are at BR 5.

Cönders, LAD, PPS-1940, Tokyo Arsenal should be Tier 5 along with all intermediate cartridge guns. Allies should get 100r Thompson.

ppsh / kiraly can quite easily fight at BR5 in cqc, obviously you will be in disadvantage at mid-long range as you would with any smg.
Thus Id rather keep the top tier smg’s at BR5.

Id rather throw Mkb to BR4 its absolute garbage compared to other 2 stg variants available at br5.
Id rather use Kiraly over the mkb aka theres use for kiraly in BR5 but mkb imo doesnt really belong there.

Idk what would be appropriate counter for it at BR4 maybe avs ?


ppsh / kiraly can quite easily fight at BR5 in cqc, obviously you will be in disadvantage at mid-long range as you would with any smg.
Thus Id rather keep the top tier smg’s at BR5.

I think the weapon distribution in the game doesn’t make much sense, esp. on soviet side. You basically have no variety BR 1-3 and all weapons are clustered to 4 and particularly 5.

Which was fine when you had 2 queues as it made no difference anyway, I think with more BR variations the distribution needs to get another look overall. If you shift some of the other weapons towards BR3 then it makes no functional difference except just makes most of the weapons more useful and less redundant.

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Lol the Tokyo arsenal only has 50 rounds?

It’s also using regular pistol rounds and not intermediate ones…

I do not get the reasoning of this…

Tokyo br 5, but lower ppsh41 to 4? Eh? That’s inconsistent.


That also happen to not fire :slight_smile: