BR Change Suggestions

With the matchmaking changes, battle ratings 1, 3, and 4 can finally be played. With that in mind, I think there can finally be greater discussion on br balance changes. Below are my suggestions for br changes.



Bm-8-24 br2 → br1

  • Useless, weak rockets: Horrible against infantry, only 9mm of pen
  • No machinegun
  • Low crew count

M4a2(76)w br5 → br4

  • 76mm Sherman, much more comparable to BR4 tanks than BR5

P-63a-10 br4 → br3

  • Low pen M10 cannon
  • No payload

Yak 9T br4 → br3

  • similar reasons to P-63a-10
  • Though pen and velocity is much better than P-63a-10

SU2 (M82) br2 → br3

  • 6 100kg bombs
  • relatively fast
  • able to defend itself with 4 frontal machine guns

La 7 br5 → br 4

  • two 20mm cannons with low ammo
  • mediocre payload
  • fast
  • decent turn time

Chauchat br2 → br1

  • Horrible rate of fire
  • smaller magazine than Madsen
  • longer reload than Madsen
  • lower bullet velocity than Madsen
  • Higher recoil than Madsen

SU-85MM br5 → br4

  • Only an 85mm gun
  • casemate
  • no mg
  • bad armor for BR5

Premium and event paratroopers should be br2 minimum

  • There is no paratrooper box preset for BR1, this allows paratroopers to get higher BR weapons even when playing BR1.




UD M42 br2 → br3

  • high fire rate
  • high velocity
  • good magazine size

M4a2(76)w br5 → br4

  • 76mm Sherman, much more comparable to BR4 tanks than BR5

Firefly br5 → br4

  • 76mm Sherman, much more comparable to BR4 tanks than BR5

Mosquito br4 → br3

  • great offensive weaponry
  • no tail gunner
  • fast
  • really mediocre bombs

Flamethrower Portable no.2 br5 → br4
Yes this squad has 4 flamethrowers, but these flamers are not any better than tech tree ones. From my perspective these squads are worse than their BR4 counterparts due to them being smaller and with less soldier classes. Yes they have the capacity to spew more fire, but the bots don’t do it yet and regular squads can replenish flamer fuel with ammo boxes.

  • identical to m2 flamethrower

Austen mk1 br 2 → br1

  • very similar to Sten mk2, which is br1
  • Alternative: raise sten mk2 and sten mk3 to br2

sten mk2(s) br2 → br1

  • very similar to Sten mk2, which is br1
  • Alternative: raise sten mk2 and sten mk3 to br2

Lanchester 50 br3 → br4

  • very high magazine
  • good rate of fire
  • low recoil
  • fine velocity




IAR br1 → br2

  • Great frontal guns (20mms in BR1)
  • Great payload
  • Fine speed
  • Fine turn time

Mp18 br2 → br1

  • very similar to mp34(o) which is br1

Bf109 trop br3 → br2

  • Mediocre offensive guns
  • Slighty better speed (compared to br2 bf109s)
  • No bombs

Gerat 03 br5 → br4

  • semi auto in br5, when other high capacity semi autos (mondragon, Farquar hill, Breda Caracano) are br4

Pz4 H br4 → br3

  • almost identical to Pz4 J, just has slightly faster turret turn time and side skirts.

Stg45 br5 → br4

  • Similar to Stg44 but with lower rate of fire

Lancia Mod.35 br5 → br4
Yes this squad has 4 flamethrowers, but these flamers are not any better than tech tree ones. From my perspective these squads are worse than their BR4 counterparts due to them being smaller and with less soldier classes. Yes they have the capacity to spew more fire, but the bots don’t do it yet and regular squads can replenish flamer fuel with ammo boxes.

  • identical to flammenwerfer 41

Bf 109 G-14 br5 → br4

  • Very similar to bf109 g10 (br4) but slightly slower and lower climb rate but with a slightly better turn time

Ju 188A2 br4 → br5

  • No player controlled guns
  • Great payload
  • Fine speed
  • Makes sense to swap with Me 410 b1

Luftfaust br5 → br3

  • Very memey, hard to use effectively against infantry
  • Can be used to some effect against planes

Me 410 b1 br5 → br4

  • Great frontal guns
  • good speed
  • mediocre payload
  • Makes sense to swap with Ju 188A2




Type 1 SMG br3 → br2
I am primarily comparing this gun to the mp28 7.65mm, a similar gun at br2

  • Slightly lower velocity
  • Same magazine size at mp28 7.65mm
  • Slightly better recoil
  • Slightly higher rate of fire

Type 99 long br2 → br1
Comparing to Arisarka type 38 carbine br1. I am biased on this squad, I want to use it at br1 like every other event and premium bolt action rifleman squad.

  • Higher damage
  • lower rate of fire
  • longer reload
  • higher recoil
  • lower dispersion

Tokyo arsenal br4 ->br5
Would allow the Type 2 SMG to get some attention as the Japan BR4 smg, its overshadowed atm.

  • Great rate of fire
  • good magazine size
  • good recoil
  • fine velocity (compared to other japanese SMGs)

B5N2 br3 → br2

  • No frontal guns at all
  • Very slow
  • Great turn time
  • Fine payload

D4Y1 br4 → br3

  • Fast
  • subpar payload (for br4)
  • Bad offensive guns
  • good turn time

J2M3 br5 → br4
This plane is good, but there is never a usecase for this plane imo as its worse than the ki-84 ko in important aspects. I think it would be good as a foil to the AP-4C at br4, with maybe a turn time increase.

  • good speed
  • bad payload
  • great turn time
  • great offensive guns

A6M3 br 3 → br2

  • Comparable to A6M2 Reisen, just has a useless drop tank

On the Fence about these
Ki-61-I br 4 ->3
Ki-61 hei br 4 → br3


This thing needs to stop selling. It’s extreme bait and it is completely useless.


I think its fun, but the fact that its br2 is a joke

What’s fun about it? Your rockets are pretty much useless and you have only 24 of them. And you have no other armament.

If something in Enlisted is scam, it is exactly this vehicle.

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Its fun to shoot the rockets, its highly ineffective but if I manage to kill something with it I have a good time. Its completely horrible and there is no reason to ever use it, but it’s horribleness has a certain charm.


I like it. Very similar thoughts!! I posted many of the same just yesterday!

PS. nice GFX too :slight_smile:



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Just my 5 cents on the La-7, its only opposition is the 109-k4 that has no bombs.

I dont think theres a real need to be dropping it with in Range of BR 3 planes. Monster Performance

at least Not while K-4 is still BR 5

everything else I think is okay :+1:


For the Soviets, in addition to your suggested changes I would also add in lowering the PPD-40 to BR4. There are two other versions of the PPD-40 which are better, both of which are BR4. I also think the Soviet P-40 should either be moved up to BR3 or have it’s bomb load changed.

For the US, I disagree with increasing the Lanchester 50. I already had BR3 presets for every faction before the new queue changes, and I never bothered to equip the Lanchester 50 over the .30 cal Thompsons that I have.

For Germany I think the IAR needs a payload adjustment in addition to an increase to BR2, the only other fighter with a similar payload at low BR is the Soviet P-40. I also think the MKb H and W should move down to BR4. I would go as far as saying the StG-45 squad should be moved to BR3, but baby steps. And the Pz. Sfl. Ic should drop from BR2 to BR1.

I would also lower all motorcycle squads from BR2 to BR1.

Other than that I agree with the majority of your list.


I disagree.
If needed, I would rather buff the weapon.

Everything else sounds very reasonable.


Like I said, baby steps. We can start with BR4. But five men with no AT, no Vitality, and a 450 rpm rifle won’t belong in BR4 either though imo.

dude are you insane it has APDS which has higher pen than the Pershing and it’s much faster it can’t be at BR4


The rate of fire is great but excessive.

Still less than 71 round Soviet Drum.

More recoil than type 2 smg and type 100 late.

It is the same as other Japanese SMG?

Unless you put all Soviet 71 round smg on br5 or else I don’t see why should Tokyo arsenal be br5.


Agree about the rest but some semis should go down in BR or get buffed if you want to bring weakest full auto AR (STG45 which is p2lose atm) into BR4,

Mondragon/gewehr 43/41/ZH-29 still kicks up like bolties every time you shoot it while Breda PG is super stable and feels like a BR5 gun with a -10% debuff to the dmg/rof stats

Arisaka Type 38 rifle should go in BR to 2 it’s the best rifle at low brs and it can be unlocked within two matches.

MG42 should go to BR3 it’s actually worse than MG34 due higher rof that gives you higher recoil and slower reload

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That Same Gun/Shell is already at BR 4

On vehicle that’s significantly worse than Sherman in basically every aspect.
Basically non existent turret speed, open top, no coax.

Firefly definitely should stay at BR5.
The only problem I see here is underperformence of shells without explosive fillers.

On a TD which is much more exposed (open top), less armored, with shitty turret rotation. They should be at one BR below there are zero reason for firefly to go to BR4.

Also if you bring firefly to BR4 there will be not a single BR5 premium tank and DF may want to add Super Pershing as a premium because f us.

Exactly the point. A reason why something should or shouldn’t is not based on the Gun alone. You reasoning was just because of its gun, only when I mentioned the other gun did we start looking at other parts.

Firefly is a Sherman Chasis which is BR 3. The firefly itself is best suited against Tigers and perhaps panthers. Its an up gunned Sherman.

They already decided on what they are doing with that I bet

Bringing Firefly down to BR4 would meant to lower Achilles to BR3 and classic M10 to BR2.

Otherwise one of those tank would clearly became obsolete.


They should add actual Katyusha (BM-13 with 132mm rockets) and give it free for everyone that already owns BM-8-24. Also BM-31-12 could be added as a BR4 meme truck with 300mm rockets.