BR based on overall average raiting for BR5 or BR4~5 or BR345

Original proposal

Now turn it into an extended patch for the existing for future BR queues.

The system proposal now target for the specific existed “advanced” BR. (For example only for BR5 in the title, or patch for BR345 queue)

The reason for adding this measure is that some players are worried that high-level players will bring weapons to rooms purely composed of newbies. And some trolls also followed up and derailed the discussion of issues balance effected by number of weapons.

Now this won’t happen again.

Each player on both sides of the battle has at least 1 BR5 weapon or equivalent BR weapon, just like the current MM system did.

On this existed basis, a MM ranking based on the number of weapons factors is added.

As a solution to end this chaos, we have to consider the number of weapons, which is why I brought it up here again and made changes based on player response.

It is a solution in purpose to reshaping the confusion in the current BR345 or suggested +1/-1 BR45 or +0/-0 BR5 matching.

It’s just a sorting mechanism, but it will be better than the current chaotic matching.

Since current BR system cannot truly bring balance to many half grinded players. Some players only carry a small number of BR3 or BR5 weapons and are assigned to fight the Sweat Lord. This situation is particularly serious in the Berlin map.

When a have grind progress player gets only PPD34/38 and equips it on his BT tank crew, he is now more able to find a opponents closer to his combat capabilities and sees less of enemy sweat lords.


Rating calculation

Each weapon has its base points:

BR1 weapon->10 Rating
BR2 → 20 Rating
BR3 → 50 Rating
BR4 → 100 Rating
BR5 → 200 Rating

Depending on the performance of the weapon, its points can be adjusted and balanced

For example KingTiger → 300 Rating or 400 Rating

Through this score, developers can now adjust these scores in more detail, rather than changing the performance of the weapon or even reducing the damage of the weapon.

This summed score will be used for sorting in the actual MM, grouping players with similar scores together. Sorting is performed in BR345 or BR45 or BR5 existed queues~

Each squad of players will receive a total of points based on the weapons they have equipped.

For example 10+10+10+10+50+100 = 190 we get a rating score for a single squad

Solutions for rating summary of squads

pick one

  • A. Calculate the average of the 3 squads with the highest player ratings (original proposal)

  • B. Only count the squads with the highest score (more intuitive and simple)

I personally prefer option A.


This rating calculation method can be extended for custom games to allow players to shape their weapon combinations in combat through settings and avoid spam.

Two conditions to shape the battles and allow players to relatively free to combine whatever they have.

  1. the player’s total ratings,
  2. the maximum rating of a single squad.

Based on this patch, it may be possible to allow BR45 or BR5 players to participate in more maps, such as randomly matching to the existed volokolamsk winter or autumn maps.

Since King Tiger H has already appeared in Stalingrad, I think it makes more sense for it to appear in an unnamed winter map.

It allows new players to purchase BR3\BR4\BR5 premium vehicles and be assigned to fight against opponents more suitable for them.

Instead of being randomly thrown into battles with tons of sweat lords.

I think this is really beneficial for developers to sell their premium stuffs

It can actually be extended to all known BR sequences, and in fact the rules can be relaxed if you balance them with the number of weapons.

But please ignore this because some naughty players use this for their endless debate games and rebuttals

The points system can be further expanded for additional equipment for soldiers.

What if a squad is equipped with many large bundles of grenades?

They will be put into battle with stronger opponents.


Overall average rating based BR could be too exploitable and would make meta gear even more spammed.

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Brothers, any rebuttal claiming alleged abuse, please pay attention to the title and content of the proposal.

This sorting is based on existing queues titled BR345. It can even be based on a queue consisting solely of BR5. (+0/-0) or even so called BR6 etc.

It will not change the current classification of players in the same queue pool, but will allow each player to find an opponent with a weapon number closer to its own.

Carrying a PPD34/38 on the T60, you may be arranged to the players who have also just opened FG42 or other combination situation. It is sorted based on such a purpose.

It just performs an auxiliary sorting on the current queue.

If 1x BR5 PPD fights against 1x BR5 FG422, it is absolutely reasonable.

More reasonable than current totally chaos status as BR345 did

And the current chaos is the real abuse. Even if you change all queues to +0/-0 you still cannot avoid the quantity problem



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I think he just started expressing his opinion without reading the content. The fact is that this proposal will not change the player pool in the sequence. For the BR5 queue, every player carries at least 1x BR5 weapon.

It just performs an auxiliary sorting on the current queue.

No even included br1-2 have you read???



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and just like the previous, no.

lock br1-2.

I did read, but as long as weapons can be easily cycled inside a squad it is potentially exploitable, though your proposal is objectively better than the current BR system.


Yes, I was opposed to the BR system. But what can’t change is that they have made so-called updates.

It is no longer possible to completely overturn the current BR system.

Therefore the above suggestions are only for sorting functions for existing BR sequences, and are even acceptable for use only on BR5 or BR4 etc

To allow for a fairer game for players who are halfway through grinding.

Even in the same BR, the unfairness caused by quantity is serious. There is no too much so called balance at all.


:sparkling_heart: :heartpulse: :yellow_heart: :orange_heart: :heart: :heart_decoration: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: :brown_heart: :white_heart: :black_heart:

 we may not have infinite hearts but I have infinite emoji

Add in proper weapon/vehicle balance and a matchmaker that knows what equpment parity between teams even means, and we can make this work and have a balanced and fun geme for once!

Yes, some #$%@$#'s were saying (before merge) that a weighted average Br system (or any loose BR/point system) will bring StG spam to low-mid tiers. Well, just look at the spam meta created by
“best equpped weapon = your BR”, which alongside uptiers and massive BR compression makes the game into an unplayable spamfest at BR3+. Only BR2 is fun, and that’s when the “matchmaker” doesn’t fumble and put 4+ lucky BR3 players in the enemy team and 0 in yours.

BR6+ is needed. Tiger II H cannot be the same BR as Tiger E and M4A2 (76)W !
The same can be said for alot of other weapons, so i made a list of BR changes here!

Option A is the best of the two.

Not only premium vehicles! (in fact, vehicles should be more restricted then guns in thes system)
What about Gold weapon orders??? grabbing ONE of them because a event gave it to you shouldn’t throw you into top tier spam to get slaughtered! You only have 1 weapon that has to compete with spam!

Duh, nobody ever said that adding a BR5 weapon on a BR2 squad will keep that squad at BR2 !
That’s squads BR would be BR 2.x alongside other mixers, maybe even above BR3 if they brought more than one.

Those people forgot the fact that once you kill that one dude with the high tier weapon, the rest of his squad has worse weaponry that you do, and he is in a worse position that you were at the baginning of the engagement.
For example, 1x PPsh (drum) & 5x mosin VS 4x Mp40 & 1x Kar98k.
You lose the first 1v1 but the Ppsh dude is at low health, so you kill him with your 2nd Mp40 before he reachs your bots hiding spot. Now, you just have to take out 4 mosin dudes at point-blank range. They hit you once? you still have 2 full heatth smg dudes while fighting bolties at close range!

It baffles me that they are still people that defend the current toxic (& spammy) chaos…

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yea i do like this idea since i can bring 1 high br weapon just to have fun and i mean it since if this was a thing adding more than 1 high br weapon would literally land you in br3+

anyway i assume tommy already seen the new halftrack im gonna be using that in big action when i have time

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