BR 5 for the American faction is absolutly OP

fair enough :+1:

oh i know but it’s still plenty fast to where not much lead is needed, it’s also why i didn’t included damage since all 3 of those weapons cross the 10 damage threshold but not the 20 threshold

i can agree for the first one but second one is fine with it’s current one

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It’s just strange WANTING a weapon to have dispersion. There’s, again, no good reason for it.

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it keeps some people from bitchin more, i seriously believe that if dispersion was removed in the entirety we will never ever hear the end from mains about all russian SMGs

FG is a weapon for peasants. I only have one FG in my entire BR5 lineup. And only as a secondary weapon for the radio operator.

as we all know
The Germans who like to cry will never be willing to intercept the P47, nor can they learn to use the Panzerfaust and automatic weapons groups.
They like to watch death from the sky befall friendly forces and themselves
Like to regard the M2 rifle as an invincible artifact
Likes to blame one’s own failures on the enemy’s strength

But I agree Japan needs something better
Their tanks are a joke

Its a overtiered Asian Bf110 or P-51 with 20mm.
Its only BRV because Japanese planes are mostly terrible excluding for Army planes because they spawn in air.

It would be a P-51 or BF110 if it had its real turn time (17 seconds), but instead, it turns faster than almost every fighter the Americans have.

That should be important if there are actual dogfights here.

But STG exists.

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Buddy, before merge germany was dominating. For a good 2-3 months after merge germany was dominating. Also, it has nothing to do with equipment. Germans have amazing guns and such. The biggest factor is player base and match making.

More like “but G43k exists”

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Same same, but different

accuracy doesnt even matter that much cause they are all in same ballpark and unless you are sniping over long range it doesnt really matter. you should compare damage, recoil and mag capacity for more realistic everyday use.

what i forgot to mention is this (t20 is ~equal to AVT40 on the graph)

with exception of fg42 II that becomes 2 shot weapon on all ranges if you add soviet body armor (although rare it deserves mention)

btw t20 has 20 round magazine capacity, full SA damage, low-medium recoil making it second best rifle.


I don’t really think it is.

Although i agree with the statistics, but in real gameplay it doesn’t feels like that.


In addition, the reason why the high-tier United States is a overpowered is that its fighters are barely inferior to Germany in terms of air combat performance, but their bomb load is often better than that of German air defense fighters with less than 200 kg. The P-47 Thunderbolt, which is considered an attack aircraft, is actually a fighter plane, so its air combat performance is not particularly good compared to a fighter. However, the P-47 Thunderbolt can devastate the target area by firing two HVAR rockets four times, and it is not difficult to kill a tank by dropping a 250kg bomb at the end, but German attack aircraft are nerfed and cannot even destroy buildings. Not only is it limited in terms of usability and lacks fluidity by attaching a lot of stupid bombs implemented as stupid weapons, but the rocket-equipped aircraft has very poor maneuverability and can only fire a maximum of two times, so it has poor anti-infantry and anti-tank capabilities. Falling in all directions. The German aircraft in Enlisted are crappier than the P-47 in every way.

None can.

@Bigote0070 @gastanofrizzi
Close this. Nonsense