BR 3 needs a change

Hehe, I am currently working on my IF.



M14 and t26


Based the whole lot of ya. Legos, minifigures , tank models. I love it!

Iā€™ve got the old Lego AT-AT. Really cool and I think unavailable right now.


I would love to get into Warhammer, but with Magic and D&D taking up a good chunk of budget I canā€™t afford to get into it yet.


I got one too. It is the smaller one not the UCS one


Well I guess our constant complaining has been heard

1-2, 3, 4-5 is the best in my opinion, because the Germans have Tiger E on Br4 and it is too good for Sherman M4A2 or T34

No BR wouldā€™ve been better

At this point tbh I agree with you, I see what you mean about it being stale. Iā€™ve finally gotten tired of being uptiered and playing against nuclear airplanes, and Iā€™m tired of BR 2 being filled with BR 3 players
Campaigns seemed so much better, certainly with a little tweaking we can salvage this system.

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yes campaigns were so much betterā€¦ BR2 vs BR3 is big problem or BR3/BR4 against BR5 is a problem, but stuart (BR1) and springfield (BR1) vs stg44(BR5) and tiger E (BR5) werent a problem.

only thing where campaigns were better was selection of map packs you could play instead of random campaign/map you get now.

Told ya itā€™d get repetitive and boring. Only reason every match isnā€™t identical is because I-III and III-V and the migrating vets and win leeches

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