Bot Teammates

Just denote them as actual bots, don’t lie about it. This is disingenuous and honestly really off putting.


no one lies except for you

agreed name as bot 1… bot 2 would have been much better


They’re pretty obvious bots. I too would prefer them being noted as such somewhere.

i didnt said they are players, i meant lying is - saying something knowing its not truth - thats exactly what this dude does when he claims devs are lying. Calling devs liyers because some dumb kid has another opinion of how games should be made is just wrong

How else do you call hiding the truth? Kindness and wisdom? Current bot names only hide the fact that they are bots, and by their very nature they could have only been made this way intentionally. Thus it is a lie, regardless of what developers wanted to achieve with it.

Calling them liars in feedback section is pointless and unproductive, even though it is an accurate description of reality in this case. Getting offended and defensive on their behalf, going for insults and personal attacks when you are the one in the wrong, that’s even worse. Real mature.

Hiding is not lying. Its their game, its they work, its their business, if they think bots should look like humans - its completely their right, there could be 1000 reasons to do this from the game devs perspective and there is literally 0 reasons to be ashamed. If someone from the devs would claim that this game has no bots - it would be a lie, but they never did so, so they never lied.

Coming to a forum where you need to share you thoughts and instead going with personal attacks on people you’ve never really seen or read - is just dumb. It only shows how childish, selfish and toxic people may be.

you just did that!

I dont care about me, i do not claim im perfect.

ahhh god okay

the hypocrisy here is insane

Lol you think that’s bad check mine I got both sides with bots


I was too tired and not having it last night. Lost the first three points in that timeframe before I left. That was enough for me lol.

It is quite literally a lie to use offline account names to cover up that they’re bots. I wasn’t going out of my way to say the devs were liars overall so there was no need to flip out like you did, my man. I think I even saw you on one of the scoreboards as a bot in a different thread too.

Ah lmoa it was your post denoting you as one of the few players on the team, my bad. I went and looked it up.

These are not offline accounts. They are just bots with names and can be easily identified as non existing accounts. These are not ghost of real people, there were never intended to be a lie.

No, i see this a completely invalid and offending statement. Something you dont understand, dont like or want to see in other way - is not a lie. And if you think its not an issue - i completely disagree. I see no problem being a dumb guy and play dumb game from dumb devs, but i would never tolerate a lie and normaly people dont do that.

If it isn’t offline account names they’ve really taken time to make dozens if not hundreds of fake names

Lmao okay buddy

This isnt new, i know multiple games doing same thing.

Good for you, my dude. We’re talking about Enlisted though. Not everyone shares the same opinion that disguising bots is a good idea though.

I’d rather they do like War Thunder and just give them a list of basic names which are doled out to bots based on the faction’s nation.

Name them.

They may cheat those new players in previous OATs, but now, only experienced human players left, doing this just make us unhappy.