Bot Teammates

These bots really break the game. I’d be fine with smaller teams and even making “Join any team” mandatory instead.

I was going to suggest making “join any team” mandatory because of the level imbalance both game modes are seeing (all high-level German players in squads, while all high-level Russian players are in solo), but I have a feeling players are just going to quit the battle if they get the side they don’t want.

yup, it would only drive away players if you force both sides to be played. I think the balance is improving a bit though with the recent patch, I have seen more balanced teams.

at the start of the last update it was pretty balanced, where Russia was winning as much as losing in squads, but before the patch it changed to Russia losing almost all the time, not sure what happened in the middle of last build.

I dunno why people tells this is a lie. Bot always got something like ganusi5964 and its pretty obvious for me to recognize some players as a bots. Anyway as long its closed beta - using bots not a big deal

It’s pretty important when the game mode called Lone soldier is described as free of bots. Go ahead, I’ll wait while you go look at the description too.

I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what we’re arguing about here? What are you calling the bots?

have you happened to notice that there are 3-6 soldiers following you around on the squad mode who aren’t there in lone fighters.

The description is “without AI soldiers in their squads”
-in their squads- being the operating term

Well in Lone fighters each player cannot take out whole squad.
But that does not mean that bots are not a thing in those matches. In fact, many “players” are actually just a bots with player-like name. That has got nothing to do with Lone fighters description that is about not fighting with entire AI controlled squad. Bot players (not individual squad members) are still far too common thing in matches.

Well, it is actually a big deal as was proven in many times discussed “our glorious stalinium soviet russia looses too much to wehraboos” threads and balance in overall. Sometimes overwhelming amount of bots is not really providing us accurate information about each side or capabilities of its armanents, especially if some testers are unaware of this or just don´t know how to recognize them, thus not taking them into an account on their judgements.
Thus, some transparency (at least part of such “players” name should end with BOT or AI or something) to help everybody to recognize it easier wouldn´t do any harm.

Yeah I agree some form of denoting bots would be Useful. A simple “*” before the name or just call em all Dave or sth would work. Bot 1 2 3 would also be decent.