Boosted progress and custom battle rules

Do not forget about Italy, which is also not available in other companies now.
We care about the balance.


The better idea would be to add units from different armies.
Allies should have British units carrying Brens and No.4’s
Axis could have Italian squads mixed in the same.

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Well, that’s is what they mentioned before “mixed nation matches”. But still, seeing Italian army not their weapons used by German surprised me. As the game said Tunis only is GER vs UK. Never mentioned Italian will be there.

This game is going to get a lot bigger than I think most people estimate.

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That certainly looks interesting, and will definitely be an improvement for players who have lot of scarce weapons and need them transffered, or players abandoning certain campaign. Very nice.

However, I hope only weapons that are present in both campaigns (original and receiving) will be transfferable. Last thing I want to see are late war/Volksturm weapons in 1941 theatre.

This is nice bonus on campaign release and thumbs up for that.
However, what about players joining the game much later and grinding let´s say Moscow, after which they switch to Berlin…? I believe that small daily login reward in terms of the consumable booster (applicable either on start or after the match) would be better long term solution to mitigate eventual insane grinding (after all, we are “only” at max level 29 now for each campaign…).

All good, but Im afraid that would divide currently rather low playerbase. We need to keep in mind that common lobbies needs to get rid of the need to have bots first.

I’m a low level shitter on all my campaigns so I won’t get much from weapon transfers right now even though in principle I think its a neat little addition that will reduce the AGAIN??? factor especially for Axis players.

Being able to choose my way out of Conquest battles will be fantastic though. For what its worth I dont hate the mode per se, I just think the points are too close together in the maps I’ve played which leads to lots of running in circles.

I like the mode much better in older Battlefield games because they space the points out more and it reduces the hamster on a wheel feeling.

And thanks for making it easier not to be a low level shitter for quite so long.

Now all I ask is that on behalf of Allied players, can you add/remove the weapons that are out of place - namely all the Brit weapons on Normandy, or make them available on those campaigns to the armies who really used them. Amerikaners need a belt fed 1919.

Also a very mild boost to chances of troopers and trooper weapons, versus other classes, from bronze orders would be great. Nothing crazy, just a small balance shift to reflect that most players I think will have/need slightly more of them than any other single class.


This is written in the announcement.

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On the contrary, it will unite the players.

You will be able to connect to ongoing battles. You will see the number of their participants and join in large sessions.

the main idea of ​​this mechanic is IN IT.


Right… Announcement was rather vague about that. Thanks for clarification.

I really hope that option to join ongoing battles will serve such purpose instead of seeing players leave right after joining if situation is not exactly to their liking. Of course there isn´t much that can be done about this behaviour.

Why’d they even join in the first place? I feel you’re being a bit nit-picky here tbh. Players will be able to see lobbies that are nearly full and which mode and map. What more do you want?

Those changes are not really my thing but oh my, good work with developing so much content.
And good to see so much info being shared.

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Hey! First of all, thanks a lot for sharing these great news with us!

Secondly, if I understood correctly what you said, does it mean that if I already unlocked a weapon in a certain campaign, I won’t be able to transfer said weapon from a different campaign? Will we be able to transfer weapons from other campaigns only if they haven’t been unlocked yet?

Why would you want to transfer weapons if you’ve already unlocked them?..

This actually sound amazing!

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Because I have tons of extra weapons laying around on other campaigns and I have no use for them? Instead of using my silver cards I can just use bronze cards.

A bit of mixed feelings on this. Seems good but hard to see right now how things will turn out.

Like when Tunis will be out, i imagine many Germans will already have top tier weapons while British only their starter weapons.

I’m also afraid custom lobbies will divide the player base. You’ll get sniper vs sniper only, Soviets landing on Normandy, Panzer II vs T-60 on Berlin,…? Things that can be funny once but not all day

I guess it will be like in War Thunder ? You have the normal lobby where you just click “Battle” and you join a normal battle like now. Then you have aside the custom battles on a different window.
Or will you actually see every battle customs and officials on the same page and you’ll have to select yourself which one you want to join ? Like it used to be 10 years ago ?

I mean it’s nice if you want to search for a specific battle but what if i don’t want to look it up server by server “ok there’re x players in this but they have been playing for 10 minutes so there’re probably 2-3 caps taken already,…”. Just willing to join easily a battle like now simply by pressing “Start”

You dont need to unlock the weapon in target campaign. But target campaign has to have the exact same weapon model you want to transfer.

I know that mate, I was asking a different question. “Will I be able to transfer weapons from other campaigns if I already unlocked them?”

Of course you can. There’s no limitation on whether you have it or not in target campaign.
Such as I both have MG34 in Moscow and Berlin. But I have lots more in Berlin, so I can upgrade there and transfer it back to Moscow.

Really looking forward to this next update.

The weapon transfer is a really nice solution to the community concern (grind 4x same things). It shows you guys are listening giving me good faith in the future of the game.

Good job!