Bombs and HE stealth nerfed? Bugged?

Same for the Scot and that feel more like a massive nerf. Normally the explosion is huge but now it ressamble a explosion of a frag grenade

No. And it’s just another one of this games many bugs and ‘features’.

Logged on CBR hoping my clan mates will comment, it is not just me saying this…

here is quick kill on tiger II P on practice range with soviet a20. notice that difference between soviet a20 and american a20 is that soviet one has 100kg bombs, while american has 500lbs bombs (250kg equivalent).

cant test mosquito, but seems like skill issue?

btw here are stats for bombs.

for 100kg one you need to drop bomb inside 3.7-4.8m radius of tank without any obstacles. 500lbs ones are more forgiving with 8.5-12.5m without obstacles. you are probably either missing bombs or you are dropping them on terrain with obstacles or uneven terrain.


I dropped right next to tanks, I’m not an expert but usually drop on target, will back up with video, so you can review maybe.

I am not going mad or have skill issue, here is short vid of me dropping two 500lb on Japanese tank, I think you can see for yourself they are pretty much next to the tank.

Maybe a replay would also help?

Yes you could take a look.
Seems a bit early drop perhaps.
I killed plenty tanks with the whirlwind yesterday, in my first 2 battles with it.

BTW nice that you use AP-1


You missed of 10m (the orange glow is the explosion) what @_WARHEAD is saying is true

To land two 500lb bombs on tank is very tough, but these are 500lb, I would expect tank to die due to overpressure at least!

I like AP1 (take off is not noob friendly!), noob Jap pilots think easy target and both my gunners finish em off

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I checked the replay, hope you dont mind, it’s actually quite interesting :grin:

Not at all, did I miss with both bombs one looks next to tank in rear gunner view, why interesting?

Aim is good

But a bit far. And the tank is partly in the trench.

Tank drives forward LOL. Huge blast, also on tank itself.

Check out the hole.

Tank is badly damaged and on fire. Your teammate destroyed it with a det pack before it blew up from your bomb damage.

So more or less a win win situation, the drop was a bit too far but the bombs ppowerful enough to cause late destruction.

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Very impressed with hit analysis, how did you find replay? Did you just search pacific today under me?
Anyway, I will do another video with Mosquito, A20 Soviet and see if similar result, I will watch replay to save you time though :wink:

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I do have to say there were two bombs, one missed, other I thought was on or right next to tank, is that hole the closest of two bombs?

Well I miss with plenty of my bombs myself, so I do this all the time :laughing:
I looked for your name and a teammates.

Both bombs stayed together.

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I was quite far off actually when I watched my replay, lesson learned, will get better! Thanks for time Warhead

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Last one, the tank was really K.O.
Because the bombs stay together, accuracy seems more important than when they are spread out.
I say you killed it, good enough drop :+1:

(now I’m off to do some events) GLHF

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I guess this is because they all have 4 coins instead of 2

these stats show how ridiculously nerfed heavy bombs are.
500kg bombs only have 20% more blast radius than 250kg bombs, despite 100% more weight.

irl there is also concave blast radius drop off, but its by far not as extreme.