Birthday discounts!

probably not many people use them that my assumption

Imo because they use the same gun you find in the progression, all premium squad with progression gun are being removed alongside many other

that is really interesting i think i have misread that im gonna re read it again

ok i really do like the lewis gun ngl hope it come back in some form cause it being gone forever would really be a shame that i didnt buy them

Go to search for old premium discount news and here they say it

Huh? I didn’t even notice these guns are copypasted, are they?

not the lewis as far as i know oh and like 5 more thing like valentine tank

I really like Volkssturm squad, played it alot in the early levels of Berlin :smiley:


I mean, it’s directly mentioned at the end of the newspost.

As a Hungarian I feel obliged to buy this quickly


Makes me glad I didn’t pick this up already.
But thank you for making prices reasonable, Im sure some people will be disappointed to see his premium squad lose value, but this is far more reasonable for the new progression system.

Also Happy birthday Enlisted! :birthday::partying_face:

Most of them are copypasted and are getting removed as announced months ago, for other squad idk why they are removed like the label or the mp36, you can ask a helper and see if it now can answer to this question

actually i need advice should i buy the dicker max rn? like it wasnt one of the remove one so i feel like i should buy 1 of the remove squad first

So there will be f2p Soviet lmg squad with Lewis gun?


Yeah, the snipers are only few months old. Kinda odd decision to remove basically newest premium squad.

I don’t care, since I preorder them back then. But it’s just bizarre.


-We are going to remove some squads before the big update
-Don’t put a deal on them for the Xbox store
It’s a shame and kinda sucks for us console players. You guys on PC are able to get stuff like the Firefly for this birthday deal for sale but console players don’t.

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Why the Bersaglieri have the normal FNAB from Normandy? Will the Kiraly Boyz from Normandy ever fly? Since i have both weapons on a 9x stack for free, are those Squads worth in any regard?

Ain’t you just had a sale during November? Do you really need sale every month?

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imo i dont think so i mean you already have the gun right? why buy a premium version? that my opinion

Agree, i can understand the copypasted japanese squad but the p14 sniper squad is unique :face_with_monocle:

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No. I don’t remember that ever occuring

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