Beginning of Stug III production

Given the year and model it should actually have its Coaxial as well.


Even if we don’t have the coax… At the very least we could have the top mounted one… :frowning:


Still waiting to see the introduction of infantry manned “autocannons” that move like field guns. The Flak 30 would be a prime example of this.


Now now, we don’t want to diversify the forum complaints too much, lets leave that one out until the latest uproar has subsided.

Agreed , but much like Darkflow has been, they dont like fixing things they have already sold…


Ever since the HE nerf happened all SPGs became completely useless with the exception of the Jagdpanther.

If you can’t kill infantry, then you might as well just stay afk in the greyzone.

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Stug IIIa, I’m coming for you

Stug IIIa cant even reliably beat T34 nor does it have HE or any MG, this is without a doubt the worst vehicle in the game.

I just bought it yesterday and immediately had 6k battle with 7 destroyed vehicles.
I think stug III A is the best of those three. Both G and F are really shtt comparing to A.

Only thing this tank need is customizable ammo loadout so it could take just Heats instead of useless AP. Lack of ammo capacity is the most annoying thing on this vehicle since your fire rate is so goddamn high.

Btw. If you don’t know HEATs are basically HEs in this game, I pity you.
Having HEATs instead of HEs is actually quite nice, since you don’t need change ammo from anti infantry to anti tank. You can react way faster.

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I like HEAT, and although i like stugs, the panzer IV with HEAT is better

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Obviously is it’s pretty much the same gun but with MG and turret xD


I’m also tempted by this one. Short barreled stugs are cute.

But most likely I won’t buy it.

yay…whats 30% off of $90.00??

Idk, I bought it for 30 euros. :yawning_face:


Without the attitude!




Would love a Stug IV.

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