Be ready for new weapon upgrade mechanics!

read the concerns first before rudely written them off like a prick


probably because it will also add something noone asked for(grenades, backpacks, medkits… costing silver)


If you use all your bronze now. You can exchange everything you get now for more bronze than you used after the update.


Is the scrap from the simplest/ base guns worth the same as the scrap from the other guns? do we get nothing for that scrap or is it the 1:10 ratio like all the other guns? I’m not talking about 0 star guns. I mean if we disassemble 3 0 star weapons have have 10 scrap we get 1 bronze order? or is this gun scrap excluded?

Perhaps me just being dumb, but exchange what, give me example please.

Buy medkits for bronze now, because I know I will get more bronze from spare parts? Is that what you mean? To be fair I am not short on equipment.

you can get 1 random weapon for 1 bronze
after the update you can trade it for 1 or more(if its not a basic weapon or not a 1*) bronze

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Ah so spend all my bronze on random weapon, as the return may be higher if above 1 star? So much cheaper then?

Are they getting rid of random weapon pool too?

considering they did that for soldiers and that it would literally become a bronze duping method i wiould say yes

why are you doing it here? This is about the economy update, is it that hard to just stay on topic?

Erm this about the economy update???

@Keofox will we be able to sell unused / redundant equipment?
Not guns, but grenades, ammo pouches and such

I am sure players have an issue with being unable to fully expand their squads with specialists, yet silver order change is now coming, 50k per soldier.

The issue isn’t how much devs give for every silver purchase, is that using silver for some stuff is ridiculous

It will work, for guys like me that do Alot of xp per match.
Just that.

And since we already own everything, we will collect silvers on the side.

For new players. Might or might not be a problem.

A starter squad(s) already comes filled with some grenades, the player just need some silvers for weapons when he is starting

As a new player progresses, gaining xp as he plays he might get the orders he needs to fill everyone with extra equipment.

Might not work, if the player doesn’t perform good on majority of battles, wants everything yesterday and or make Alot of judgment mistakes.

We all did. At some point. A new player will always perform worst, have more difficulties to rank up and or will make bad investment decisions using his orders.

At any rate… Once he, reaches a somehow stable squad equipment line, the silvers will be as current bronze orders for many of us. Stock.

A new player won’t need everyone filled with mines or tnt packs right away. He needs to progresses to get them.
Sadly matchmaker isn’t in his favor here, and he ill be put against guys like me that have everything. (doesn’t mean I m good in the game what so ever. Just to point that he will never reach our current play level. Never.)

But this is a business, the intent here, is for the costumers to use the wallets. So they can make a trade, money for easy life in-game.

The intend was never to make f2p or new players life easier. But to justify once more the usage of gold in-game.
It’s fair, if you think this fully.

A pay user, performing good, will always have more and more.
A free user, performing average, I’ll always be tempted to invest.



I’m almost always top 2-3 of my team and do around 7k per 30 min game.
Initial squads are unlocked very fast, before you get enough silver to fill/arm your lvl 1 squads, let alone fill them with special soldiers/equipment rather than default one.

It isnt about good or bad players, its an economy built for premiums. Im sure they will enjoy the fully upgraded guns.

I just dont see this being a net positive addition, but one step forward and a larger one backwards. Getting weapons is more important than upgrading them.

Personally, the whole “squads already come with grenades” is a bad point when moving weapons around and managing your stock is as painful as it is right now.

Are we getting double the silver weapon orders than soldier orders, then? Or does this mean that it alternates back and forth between the two?

To say it differently, at 50,000 XP, do I get a silver weapon AND a silver soldier order, or just a silver soldier order?


hey for 30 minutes you should be doing at least 16K if you win 12K if you lose

You get both like you do bronze afaik.

Did the testing phase have the alternating thing or why do veterans always have this fear?

Both at 50k.

One weapon order each 25k
One soldier each 50k

So at 50k mark we gonna get 2weapon orders and 1 silver.

Where is that confirmed at?

I need to check it, but do we now get for 4500 xp = 1 weapon (3000xp) bronze order and 1 troops (1500xp) bronze order or do we get for the same 4500xp = 1 weapon (+ 0.5 of next one) and 3 troops ?

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