Be ready for new weapon upgrade mechanics!

this its only in moscow campaing, i did the same in normandy axis and allys and tunisia allys, i did the same with 1500+ weapons, im screw if they do 10 parts to 1 order trade, this number as i said before its to low, most of the weapon in game only give 6-10 parts, i will loose around 60% of all my job in game, please reconsider this number its to low, 5-7 parts per order its a fair number.

11 november 2021 news said parts (not weapons, only parts will be trade for orders).

“Silver orders for experience will appear in the game at the same time as the release of the new weapons improvement mechanics. Your existing weapon parts will be exchanged for bronze weapon orders. Stay tuned!”

so according to this news i dissamble 1500+ weapons, now im screw, i will loose around 60% of the orders i farmed in this game.

Pistol sound seems very childish especially of Walter PP and PPK, also there is no zoom when you aim a pistol which makes the pistol look more like a toy rather than a gun, apart from that soldiers can take up to two pistol bullets a t head and can still kill you which feels so irritating and unrealistic. Just compare it to battlefield , COD pistols which are extremely fun to use but that’s currently not the situation in Enlisted. Pistol rework would be a good and needful update in my opinion.

But one thing you should remember that, It is only the XP grind which makes Enlisted keep going, for example a player finished multiple campaigns and now there is not that fun to play more because he/she is already maxed out. But if devs reduce grind to an appreciable level for example upto 50% or more, This will promote players to try out different sides (allies/axis both ) and also encourage to touch other campaigns because currently due to strenuous grind no one wants to play a completely new campaign which has caused splitting of player base. There are lot more ways to earn money for devs and they should be knowing that in more detail than any of us, but I keep seeing players are teaching devs how to earn money which is hilarious.

This will actually promote AT gunner squads which are currently less often used by people due to huge availability of Explosions packs.

What fun do you see in freakin grind while being unmaxed and literally underpowered to your vis-a-vis? Are you really coming to the game just to see number of kills and number of dropped xp??

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when you are maxed then there is no fun in the game. I enjoyed the days when I was not maxed in any campaigns, but now I m maxed in 2 campaigns I do not enjoy that much.

Then you have grindism, get cure. I come to game to see gameplay in war conditions and minimum of sovietophobia. And i see no reason in faping on level ups and numbers of kills as they lose their price. Main object of game is process of battle, not number of those useless stars and hundreds of suicidebombed bots


How about allowing to carry one TNT or two grenades of any sort without grenade bag?
Right now as soon as you put your hands on TNT, grenades are useless.

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The equip is how it is and was, look back more at history. Instead you should add specialized euipment how HH3, Panzerwurfmine or bundled M24. The equipment is much to generic and low. Why can every soldier cut barbed wire does every soldier have a tool to do that?

Here a wiki for the varity of german granedes and kind of:

You will be expressed! Here are also production numbers in 1000er stacks and where they was delivered.
For Easy site translation i would use chrome :slight_smile: Sure you will find also for russian and allys something (sticky granade and so)

Based on what? By Industry Standards this game is less grindy for more content. (Speaking of F2P genre) What Darkflow and Gaijin are doing is far less pernicious than their closest competitor Wargaming.

Just based on many people i have known that have played free to play games and that have stayed with it thus putting money into it because they enjoyed playing the game.

In terms of making the game more grindy again i know my friends that have left free to play games due to the developers making the game more grindy, therefor making them no want to play.

People can often stop playing your game for very small reasons.

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Sure, but all of these games lose players because of the grind. The point is whether or not ENOUGH stay. Which based on available statistics seems to be working in favor of Darkflow right now

Also yea it is a hell of a lot less grindy than other free to play i hope it stays that way.

I really hope it does not end up like other free to play games ive played previously that start out okay then progressively became more and more grindy with only a few updates


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So this NEWS (11 November 2021) More Silver Orders! - News - Enlisted has a link to this much earlier NEWS (2 September 2021) Massive improvements in the progression system - News - Enlisted in which all along there is a planned feature to sell your weapons for bronze orders, just like we have now with soldiers.


Adding to all that if you really read what is said in this latest NEWS (this topic, literally main post) you would see this:

And finally in this topic, a bit later answered to question about bronze orders if you will get more for parts or for selling weapons:

To decipher this enigma, basically after the update T0 (no stars or just 0 stars) weapons will be worth nothing when selling them.

T0 weapons are all basic rifles in all campaigns, you can upgrade them to at least 1 star so you can sell them for 1 bronze later, but that requires 30 parts and these are worth 3 bronze, so you better just disassemble them before update.

T1-2-3-4-5-6 are just the numbers of stars in weapons, so 3 stars will give you 3 bronze, 6 star (fully upgraded top tier gun) will give you just 8 bronze by this sheet.

All I can say now, with NEWS like that you better read it all and not just parts of it, also follow discussion about them, you can get much more information by that.

To conclude, you really screwed up by your own fault, don’t even try to ask for more bronze orders for parts you have as it won’t happen, you better buy weapons you have too much parts for them and use them on upgrades before update, at least you will have few more full stars weapons by that (just don't upgrade your basic rifles, parts for them have much more value now).

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this tank happened in 1945 in Normandy

Well in his defense the last economy change didn’t come with a warning like we get now, so we know how to prepare best. I also scrapped some guns i didn’t plan to use expecting the patch to come last year soon after academy change, but not nearly as much as he will lose.

It’s one big beta gamble, they said to upgrade troops before academy cahnge, but you would get much more bronze after if You kept as many soldiers as You can, but who could have known then.
I had 3 campaigns stacked with randoms, and got >500 bronze out of it. If i played more i would be screwed more.

I want tank like jumbo in pre-Panther stage who can be pened by notihing but can pen anything. Maybe they can also add B-25

not that easy if you are an lv3 player, not to mention there are lots of fg42 avt40 behind the tanks. if your team can’t counter enemy tank, then you have to desert or be slaughtered by enemies

Burgers didn’t have such tanks. When pershing appeared, there already were kwk43s everywhere. 76mm M1 disassembles panther pretty well

Going back to main topic, my guess for update release would be tomorrow 19th January, of course if devs are ready with it. The big mistake would be to release update just before weekend, especially if we encounter some game breaking bug that needs to be fixed ASAP, that’s why middle of the week is best for that.