Be ready for new weapon upgrade mechanics!

Oh Tunisia level 9 engineers lmao.
Yeah would be a problem there.



Not sure about that 85mm he issue tho.

But yeah. Hopefully grenades have a place in the game that actually make players choose between them. And not squads fully loaded with tnts making bombers as usefull as a expired tomato soup

i’m sure that majority came here for that dumm-style “pew-pew” and “look mom no hands, look no brains” with STGs and doesn’t dive into details. but i can admit that any HE shell is weak in comparison to grenades thx to non-existent explosion power and broken shrapnel physics. not also saying that walls, cars and trees just eat shells and dont even break apart. funny to say, even HEAT may damage better than HE what we could see on modern conflict event

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Oh I see.

Yeah agreed.

And that times you hit a soldier with one he shot and kill an enemy 1 km away just because lol.

Yeah they need a second pass on dev time.

This is what is called a compromise

idk. but i can’timagine how those stupid mistakes after gaijin’s experience. hope they don’t just care about money from gold infantry squads and vehicle problems will be solved

Depends on the map. I still get plenty of situations needing the range of an anti-tank gun in Tunisia.

I just want my troops to be able to move the AT guns around…


I just want Tunisia to be fun…

Just imagine…

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its a rather pointless half assed measure to be honest if they say they have changed there minds to keep some of the equipment for bronze orders why not all of it just keep it so that bronze orders are for all pieces of equipment. No one asked for this change as it is not needed silver orders should be for primary weapons and that’s it.

There is simply not really any need for a “compromise” for something that just does not need to be changed just leave it how it is.

I’ve never been one to upgrade my weapons i would rather save up my bronze orders to get large ammo pouches and other equipment.

If not just let us convert bronze orders into silver orders. Say 3 bronze orders for 1 silver order I’m pretty sure there have been quite a few other people asking for this. This would useful for people that have horded tons on bronze orders and at least give them the choice to obtain more weapons and higher tier equipment if they do not wish to upgrade the weapons.


Please do!!! Currently there is no reason to carry grenades over explosive packs so this would be a great change :slight_smile:

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It’s almost like the game is free to play and they need to incentivize players to pay money… this is a solid compromise.

People will pay money towards a free to play game if they like it. Making the game more grindy to encourage more people to pay money will only lose you players.

“solid” compromise more like a poor compromise kind of sad really


this is 100% true. I don’t really mind the compromise because I think players would’ve been fine regardless, BUT I’m still absolutely in favor of reducing the XP grind


hmm not really there are players that probably have been saving bronze orders specifically for large ammo pouches and other higher tier equipment when they unlock the correct level who most likely don’t have a lot of silver orders to spare.

Me and a few others i know who also play enlisted have done the same however after the upcoming update those bronze orders we saved would be considered useless for that intended purpose now those players must yet again grind for silver orders and thus furthering the frustrating grind sucking the enthusiasm away to continue playing the game.

Yes sure we can upgrade weapons however not everyone wants to put all there bronze orders into upgrading weapons.

Its basically a big slap in the face or at least that is how I see it “oh you have saved all these bronze orders to obtain high tier equipment over the past months, sorry screw you now they cost silver orders and now you appear to have only 10 silver orders oh well. However its okay because you get one silver weapon order every 25k of XP so better get grinding again!”

Sure changes will be made in games however changes that otherwise impact the individual player in a bad way whether they be new or old is always a bad call.

Well no, dont forget AT gun as an engineer; Theres also AT rifles, a Tank, an airplane - youre not the only one on the team, to deal with Tanks. At the moment tanks are too easy to take out with a demolition kit, which pushws tanks away from infantry support and towards the grey area. Id love to support infantry in a push for an Obj. but i’ll just get insta deleted by a demo pack within seconds. Sure disable the tank, force me to exit and repair, but insta kill wheres I have to fire 10 LMG rounds to take a single target.


10 parts for 1 weapon bronze orders?, this its to lowwwww, most weapons give 6-10 parts when u have full upgrade it tree, i will loose bronze orders as hell, 10 parts for 1 bronze orders its to much and unfair for players like me that destroy almost 1500 weapons or more when u make the announce of this update, 5-7 should be fair at least for those players like me that have all tree update.
so please reconsider the amount to be fair with players like me that already destroy all the weapons waiting for this update.

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Why would you break down all your weapons before they announced anything? lmao

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I hope that you only disassembled your starter weapons for parts to be later exchanged 10 to 1 bronze order when update hits, but if you did that to ALL your extra weapons that has at least 1 star then… you f-ed this up.

It was said/shown that weapons with 0 stars (literally basic rifles from any campaign) are worthless, then it was adviced to scrap them for parts as only then they will gain some value in bronze orders later with update.

To counter tanks, you need tanks, atcannons, rifles and rpgs. If only option for you is to spam dummpacks, then go out find something without tanks and if you need to kill them, find how to actualise cannons and rifles without that elvish fireballs