Be ready for new weapon upgrade mechanics!

I actually am a game developer so i’m not really just talking out of my ass. Either way, the grind should be reduced because, like you said, it encourages players to actually try out more campaigns. Not only that, but the VAST majority of players aren’t completing an entire campaign, let alone all 8 campaigns. All 8 campaigns complete is upwards of 2000 hours for F2P players. and thats in game time, not including logistics whatsoever



Big disapointment. Waiting more than 3 months for a change whitch would let me play other campaigns and was promised to come in the next big update whitch was on 15 december. It is January and the silver orders did not show up yet and now more grind and suffering with silver orders for weapons will await the F2P player more pain than before the update. Not too well thought in my opinion, but who am I…
Almost a year and a half the game was fine and enjoyable, even the campaign grind, this new system made it clear to me that is not worthed. before i could assemble a squad in no time, now it will take me a full week to try to do that, Thanks for ruining the game.


I think it’s that much. Normandy (main campaign)>>> Tunisia >>>Berlin
Pay Battle Pass only. No Premium. :thinking:

Screenshot 2022-01-20 010012
My tunisia campaign levels.

Damn You play a lot. I think he just meant “most people”, here on forum we all play a lot so we don’t mind much.

Many players spend 1-2 hours daily at best, so they can only play single campaign.
This game has great variety, many maps from diffrent campaigns are unique and offer diffrent gameplays.

I speak with new guys sometimes and they already know focusing on sigle front is best, and they don’t often know yet which one they want to play.
Game could be a bit more player friendly, especially for new ones.

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It’s a business. There is also the intention of making the players pay.

Also. Is a week so much to assemble a squad?..

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Normandy Berlin, I spent about 1-2 weeks in the whole squad playing. 3-5 hours a day, Tunisia 2-3 weeks.

Even if so, is that a problem? Or you seek to have everything yesterday?.

Just asking.

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It doesn’t matter. Keep playing. Collect weapon tips. When unlocking necessary items, buy e.g. semi-automatic rifles, dynamite, ammunition, etc.

i understand their need to make money, and i did not say that they should do it for free or something, but implementing this kind of changes, from being able to max out a squad in hours to being able to max out in weeks it is a drastic change. also there are other ways to make money, not by making the grind greater and making players want to pay to get a squad filled instead of paying beacouse they enjoy the game and want to get Premium squads/Battlepass equipment,Premium accounts for a faster progression

No it won’t help AT gunners, in Moscow at least, because they simply lack firepower to take down tanks.

OK so that’s how we get Silver Orders reliably now.
Can someone tell me wow do we get Bronze weapon orders and Bronze soldier orders reliably?

You always got them with XP and a few from daily rewards/BP

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Play, maybe after 250 Hours inGame you are Happy.
I´m near to 900Hours.

Not sure what that has to do with my question.
I wanted to know what’s the current source of bronze orders.

@53686420 answered my question.

so after some use of new system I would rate it 8/10.

The good:

  • Easy to understand
  • Prices seem mostly aligned with power levels. A high end weapon should be expensive to upgrade.

The not so good:

  • The upgrade costs are currently based only on star level and no consideration for weapon type. example: Currently a Winchester M1895 rifle costs the same to upgrade to 5th star as upgrading DP-27 machine gun to 5th star.

The lmg is significantly more destructive in a match than the rifle in almost all situations. Weapon type should also be a factor in upgrade cost.

This amuses me. I, too, need more bronze than silver right now. People love to complain about things just for the sake of complaining. Anybody could do math and figure out the new system was going to be much more favorable for silver orders and weapon availability.

No more copypaste pls. Ppl are appealing for Pacific these days