Be ready for new weapon upgrade mechanics!

Thx. But I just mean 6 star weapons and 5 star soldiers are already not enough for those play 1000 hours

That why I hope vertan soldiers and modification tuning to be added

I really want to know Keofox. Honestly, why couldn’t there be an additional option to unlock things with silver on the same screen using bronze. On the xmas mini update, there was an added “buy with gold” button next to everything purchasable now to skip using bronze OR silver. Why can’t there also be a use silver order for those who rather use those instead of bronze to get medkits, tnt, ap mines, etc etc.

Subtraction of one thing to add another, good or bad, rarely ever works. Please respond to why it will remove the right to use bronze orders for basic squad gear. Pistols and melee, I agree with that for silver orders - actually no issue there.


because $$$$

Roger that. If the Party says everything is great we are definitely on the right track! Though seriously, thanks for answering.
One more question came to mind:

  1. Do you realize that with the new system some weapons will not be used at all?Cause no one in their right mind would spend a silver order on Nagant or TOZ-B or M1 carbine to name a few. I’m using some weapons that I would not buy under any circumstanses simply cause I dont have enough decent weapons or those shitty guns come fully upgraded thanks to random.

accuracy (shot diviation) of pistols is a joke, reduce it please pistols are usless right now

And why the f. is that a bad thing? You want to play against bots cause new players will get tired being mowed down by try-hards with some maxed LMG while they charge some bunker with rifles? The extra hours also gave you more map knowledge or maybe even fun, so it’s not like it was for nothing…



In almost every MMOG those who play with more than 1000 hours have advatange over newcomers. I doubt you’ve ever play BF or COD, at least in enlisted you have Bolt-action rifles can one-shot anyone, already a great mercy to newcomers

Good luck one shoting my extra vitality turbo sprinting FG42 death squads.
2 shots to down unless You play with upgraded mosins lol

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I have seen this being mentioned before, and I would love if whoever presents the development statistics to the enlisted team was kind enough to share them with the community manager (you) so you would be informed as best as possible on the state of the game community.
I would be annoyed if I had to talk to an angry community while being told the players are happy and fine, without seeing the data proving it.

I would love to see what is measured in the stats where everything is fine

Yeah. Events + Battle pass provides a steady stream of silver orders as well

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They make you look like a crazy Viking or a Canadian soldier.

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@Keofox a serious question regarding the upcoming update economy:
After the last academy economy update, there was a bronze troop order gain boost, so we earn twice as much bronze troop order as before.

My question is simply this: will we also obtain bronze weapons orders twice as much when the new system is implemented, just like for bronze troop orders?



Sorry, what? I have silver orders coming out of my ears and I’ve been saving all of my bronze orders (so not buying random weapons) in preparation for the economy changes for months. I, on average, play 2 matches a day. I have every single Italian Squad with top tier weapons and I have every different type of Moscow Russian squad equipped with top tier weapons. Quit manufacturing false drama. The issue at hand is not how do Veteran players do this. The issue is how do F2P and New players stick with the game long enough (100 or so matches) to get over the “bow wave”.

As said earlier they oneshot enemies. BUT they swing slower than the knife. So with the knife you have high speed weak hit. Axe is slow speed strong hit. There are advantages to both. I wouldn’t waste time on axes personally. Especially if you have a meaningful amount of weapons with bayonets, which are the best melee weapon hands down. Just hotkey melee attack.

There has been a lot of talk about how this system is worse. First off let’s debate with sincerity. When discussing silver order availability include how you can obtain them in the battle pass (for FREE) and the multitude of twitch and in game events (for FREE). When discussing how much it takes to kit a squad, be honest here as well. All new squads come with medkits, and various grenades. It is only possible for a free player to equip four infantry squads, after eight to ten squads you cannot possibly equip more grenades and medkits than you have gotten for free. (excepting large bakcpacks and large grenade packs). Account for those as well. If you are a paying player the first battlepass costs money but if you save your Gold they are free after that (as you unlock the cost in gold each battlepass) and with the battle pass and the Premium ability to do nine tasks a day you will gain a Significantly larger number of silver orders.

Let’s focus on the two REAL problems. One. New/F2P players will take longer grinding out full, well equipped squads. It goes from say 100 matches to 200 matches (ish, estimate, not exact, etc.) The question is, is this too much and will guys quit? It’s not like those first 100 matches are easy now. Us veterans are running around with large packs, mines, and top end weapons on every soldier who is five star with monster perks. They weren’t getting to that quickly IN THE CURRENT system. We don’t know, but you can bet your butt Darkflow is going to be looking at retention data HARD. The second REAL problem is the acquisition of GEAR. Here it isn’t about grenades, but it is about packs/pouches and Dynamite packs. Right now it takes 9 Bronze orders to equip a soldier with a large grenade pouch and three Dynamite packs. The new system will require 4ish silver orders, which will take much much longer to get. Mines as well, take a handful of bronze and will now take a silver. These are meaningful differences.

The rest Weapons, melee weapons, etc. will be much better in the new system as pistols and melee won’t be random and hard to get, AND the weapons you have will be much easier to upgrade. Hell the basic weapon becomes quite competitive at three stars.

Stop with the hysterics and make your arguments rationally please.

We actually dont earn more bronze than before, they turned it from both at 3k, to one at 3k another at 6k

They also added in a bunch of other ways to get more bronze orders…

No they didn’t. Unless selling unused weapons is a reliable way for you to get bronze. Stop licking the boot