Be ready for new weapon upgrade mechanics!

Тут сложнее. Урон соответствует пуле. А пули, как правило, такие же как в ПП.
Мы не можем жертвовать реализмом урона делая урон пистолетов выше чем у ПП с такими же характеристиками.


Dear Darkflow,

Console player here so not everything may be as “1 for 1”. Most of these changes are headed in a better direction. We need the increase in silver orders and making them more prevalent just for playing is perfect. But, as you can see the your player base seems to be 110 percent in agreement then making basic necessity such as med packs and grenades is A VERY BAD MOVE. Way too expensive. Definitely make the change to reward more Silvers. I’m constantly holding on and trying to keep a stack of 20 to 30. I may not play as much at others. I just got the 100% hour in game achievement. But, this also means I’ve spent an additional 100 hours in menu customizing. The grind IS A BIT TOO MUCH!I I understand you’re trying to make it to where not every casual player can attain elite squads and set ups but this is just a tad much. Right now I’m giving more complaints than solutions and I’m be back with a post on my thoughts for that.

I do have a quick question.

I understand the random weapon thing is going away. I’ve used it a bit and have an abundance of things like mortars and flamethrowers. I can’t do anything with them. Can we try to implement something there? They’ve just been a waste of my bronze orders.

All guns and equipment like this should have some means of getting rid of or upgrading.

Again, console player, maybe this is just us.

Lots more to say. It’s late here in Atlanta. But, I’ve been playing and loving the game. It’s quite literally been YEARS since a game had grabbed me and pulled me in giving enjoyment and satisfaction with customizing squads and the overall mechanics of the game.

Great job and Thank you!

I’m a gourmet MLG,VSGC and VGL Pro-competetive player and since getting married and having a child a lot had changed in my priorities. However, it’s been great to have a game pull me in as ENLISTED has!

I’ve also been streaming on Twitch and growing a fan base. I’ve considered reaching out to discuss become a partner player. I’ve not yet researched. Any info on that would be greatly appreciated.

I’m also committing to be active here on the forums.

Again, Thank You!!


Sorry for the typos. I am using swype texting.

The comment about MLG should have said “former** competitive competition player”

Ну без урона мало толку. Хотя бы другие пистолеты и револьверы дайте. Окей урона нет. А как маузер на 20 патронов, ХайПаурер? Магазин большой в ущерб урону. Тогда будет прок

So right now, I honestly do not think it matters if the new system is better, worse, or the same. People think its worse, and no one is going to convince them otherwise. The vast majority of people seem to think that this is exactly the same as the Academy Rework and have already decided the update is terrible. There’s simply not a whole lot of good will left


There is a screenshot above of a shatsh of 500 silver weapon orders accumulated over 8 months. i Got 200 after a year.

So with premium and battlepass, we will need to play for year just to gear ouy single campaign?
Are You sure this is good (i mean for players, not gaijin wallet)?
I was about to buy 1 year premium if the economy was to be fixed, now i see it’s back to playing against bots and dudes with started squads for 5 more years, THAT’S NOT FUN AFTER A YEAR ANYMORE

So we are finally getting silver orders for XP (only 2 months wait since anouncement YAY!) that is good.
We also get new weapon system which is probably ok.
And we seem to be royally fucked with another stupid idea (equip for silver orders…).

Overall I feel dissapointed, it seems like every big patch brings something good but it also always comes with a pile of shit. Well, at least they are consistent with that.

Good luck to new players being able to enjoy like 1 campaign out of 4 available or be ready to open their wallets for superduper special offers.


We will provide at least the opportunity to sell the excess. Whether the results of such an accusation will be I cannot say.

It’s a shame some people think that way. Let’s wait for the release of new mechanics and see in practice.

We will continue to monitor the development of players already in the new system and adjust it if necessary.

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As practice shows, theoretical calculations are rarely correct. Yes, and in Enlisted you play even if not all the soldiers of your squad have a first-aid kit sticking out in their ears, an explosive package in their mouths and a mine… Not in the mouth.

Progress in such trifles is a normal process in online games. There is always something to strive for.

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To beginners who tried one unit of measure, earned silver there and bought something in another race (another title of the new system that you did not have before).

I repeat. I will not argue about the economy. It’s useless. But I’m happy to help if you have questions about the new mechanics.

I dont think new players will be vedy affected. They have the achievements, dailys, battlepass and now the XP for orders. I think this change will be very good. Good work DarkFlow!

Sorry Keo, I’m not sure I did understand your first sentence. But I do have some questions that are to relevant to this discussion to an extent:

  1. Can you share anything about surplus of new players for the last two months who are still playing (when ability to get silver orders for troop as f2p was close to nonexistant)?
  2. If you are getting rid of all random systems does that mean we can expect that daily login rewards will change as well?
  3. Have you ever considered making a poll to ask for community opinion about some of your ideas before actually implementing them?

Disappointed that still no vertan soldier and modification tuning. The dispersion of many weapons are still too unrealistically bad(more MOA than its real life counter at 1000m) EVEN AT SIX STAR

The reason is simple, FPS is a very, very competitive market place and people lack the patience to understand it, even though this update is completely positive.
One of the problems I fear this update will cause is that the gap between players with 1,000 hours of play and those with 100 hours will be small, as 5star soldiers and 6star weapons will become very easy.

But i will just grind them out all over the weekend, will be another 400 silver ahead of new guys.
This wouldn’t be bad, if all the old players didn’t already have this equipment bought for cheap.

I mean it will take me 2 days to get all this for 4 campaigns, new guys will have to play for 2 years to get it. Doesn’t seem fair. And not fun at all. We already got so many advantages over newbies, why every update recently, like semi-auto nerf, no silver troops, just screws them over and over.

It won’t hurt veterans that much, but like i said, it’s boring playing against bots, and this only drives players away.

And game is fun, they should enjoy it. It’s hard to do when every new mechanics thres to squeeze every penny out of them.

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Wow 20 achievements, here 3 pistols and 2 medpacks. Gj
Daily 1 bronze troops slap to the face, every 5 days You get booster.
Battlepass is best now, only if you play every day 70 days, get like 130.

New dudes be stuck on one campaign for years, why bother adding new ones.

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  1. I do not have such data. Sorry. I just know that there is no problem with Enlisted online.
  2. It’s about two mechanics. with which previously players had huge difficulties. We obviously made them too confusing, realized this and decided to fix it.
  3. We sometimes resort to this when it comes to the gameplay of the game and we ourselves are not sure how it will be better. In other cases, we (like any other developers) trust our game designers. As you can see, it almost always works and Enlisted pleases many players.


My Question and Hope in 1
Will the Developers bring in any Time a PLATIN Trophy on Consoles?
Can you bring this Suggestion to the Right Men Please?

(Achievement for reaching 100%)


Or not. :slight_smile:

Naturally, if you have played a lot and accumulated a lot of silver, you will get a little stronger. But don’t overestimate the new possibilities. Everything is calculated. (Math, yes!)