Be ready for new weapon upgrade mechanics!

Not strictly THIS BP, I meant Elite BP in general, also in the future.

its so confusing :open_mouth: Our dear developers!!! Will we get 1bronze for 10spare parts of tier 0 weapons or we should just upgrade them to tier 1? SERIOUSLY!!! I realy need to know becouse i got about 10 000 of those spare parts so leave or upgrade to tier 1?

take the kar kriegsmodel as an example.

1 weapon will give you from 2 to 4 spare parts.
will need 30 spares to upgrade 1 star.

1 star will give you 1 order
10 parts will give you… also 1 order.

you can do your math with this information :stuck_out_tongue:

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Can we see the Pacific War someday?

The fun bit is the 100:1 knife conversion rate.

Before the academy rework. 1 bronze order = 3000 exp, but since it alternates between weapon and troop orders, it’s effectively 6000 exp every 1 bronze troop order.

1 soldier = 1 knife
1 bronze troop order in the past = 1-3 soldiers

100 knives is 200000-600000 exp.

And we get a paltry 1 bronze. What a joke.

This is excluding the literal time spent in the academy. How long? Even with premium halving training time, it takes literal hours to train multiple soldiers.

What was it?
1-2 = 5 minutes
2-3 = 30 minutes
3-4 = 2 hours
4-5 = 8 hours

Halved with premium:
1-2 2.5 minutes
2-3 15 minutes
3-4 1 hour
4-5 4 hours

Per soldier.

A hundred of these.

For 1 bronze.
It’S nOt ThE mOsT vAlUaBlE iTeM iN tHe GaMe. :)))))


look !!! this is confusing the hell out of me

Keep bronze orders the same as now for all equipment, do not change them or remove them to purchase them.

Instead make it that 1 Silver Card is x3 the value of a bronze card.

Example: Want three medkits? That will be 3 bronze or 1 silver order.
Want 3 TNT? That will be 9 bronze or 3 silver orders.

Add silver as an alternative way to unlock stuff instead of substituting AND removing bronze for logistical equipment.

Edit: From one game developer to another, please consider this decision for the newer players.


keep on topic pl0z

you can really tell who came here from WT because all they want to do is sit here and shoot down any valid criticism and watch the game tear itself apart by going down the exact same road WT did

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This is very fair IMO.


Silver orders for weapons is ok. I think 25k and 50k xp per order is too high, maybe 20k and 40k or 15k and 30k. Silver orders for equipment is awful. Having to spend a silver order for every medkit, toolbox, grenade, tnt, shovel, pouch, ammo bag, backpack, etc. is way to much and is going to make fitting out squads awful for everyone, regardless of being free to play or someone who spends money on premium time/battle pass. Right now it takes 6k xp for a bronze order which you can use for 1 medkit. With the new system it will take 25k xp, which is an over 300% increase to the grind. Darkflow, please leave equipment alone.


this update is so bad for new players as almost straight from the beginning you having problems equiping your soldiers and getting enough soldiers you are heavly getting forced to buy premium and all that stuff to get your squad filled up and now they remove the bronze ramdom weapon too???
it is very unfair for new players as they have to upgrade/buy soldiers 4X2 what means a hell of alot silver cards i litterly can only focus on 1 campaing on 1 side and still im getting a hard time to fill everything up with the correct weapons i cant even care about all the other campaigns :frowning:

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=======weapon=====weapon + soldier=====weapon======


By the way. I have been noticing such discussions for a long time and I see them again.
We started looking for a solution that would make pistols more interesting weapons.

There are many ways:

  • faster recharge
  • more ammo
  • more accurate at close range
  • get faster

Let’s make pistols interesting and useful weapons.


Seems interesting, but this seems to be a downtime period idea probably suitable for March-April for this year. Allocating resources to a change of all pistols can take away from… ehh… more higher priority matters coming soon.


Lifehack, if you want to dismantle pile of guns fast…
Just hoover your mouse over the dismantle button, so it is lit and keep pressing enter.
No need to move the mouse.
Still it will take some time to remove hundreds of guns.

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I don’t really think this is a pressing issue right now… Seems like theres more important things that should be discussed and worked out first, like the economy, XP gains, balance, additional campaigns splitting the playerbase, etc.


Thank you for recognizing issue with pistols, however, aside of nagant revolver and very slow reload of revolvers in general, there is nothing pressing at the moment

As @8894782 said, lets sort out economy first. Especially equipment logistics will be met with quite a discontent.

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Урон. Пуль хватает. Стреляет не медленно, удобоваримо. Точность да, нужно повысить за счёт по меньше отдачи. Перезарядка тут кому как. Если пистолет, то буквально на пару долей секунд. А вот револьверы тут жизненно необходимо. Где возможно зарядить револьвер спидлоадером, то дать его. Ну а если по одному, то просто побыстрее сделать.
Но повторюсь - урон сперва нужен ибо нет урона - нет смысла

I understand that not all changes in the game (especially in the economy!) may look positive. But I also see that they are calculated so that the time you spend on development is about the same as before. It’s just that there will be fewer random in the mechanism (as we removed random soldiers, we remove random weapons).

Above, I even saw some calculations in which the authors completely forgot that silver can be obtained in many ways and considered only silver that can be obtained for experience. But they blindly believe. :slight_smile:

Therefore, one can argue (as I said earlier) about the economy endlessly. And the developers who create weapons are not developers involved in the economy. And you can improve pistols at the same time as working on other details of the game.