Battlepass Panther visuals

Think @ErikaKalkbrenner was wondering what it looked like so I thought I’d share a clearer picture so yall can decide if it’s worth it.


Prettiest tank of the war imo. I know it had some huge problems but I’ll forgive those.


well I mean we can shit on anything with hindsight. Panther was innovative and iconic. Too bad all modern MBTs fall into two groups regarding looks. T72 like or Abrams/challenger like.

( i realize all our tanks look alike now due to the soldification of the global arms industry and our military sciences cooperative agreements with other countries but still. muh aesthetics)

and for anyone unsure, it is a max rank panther G

It was innovative, but there was a reason it wasn’t directly copied during or after the war. It was technically brilliant, but a bit too overdeveloped. And I say this as a Panther fanboy.


definitely agree.

Another observation which confirms they’re cutting and pasting out of WT are the cosmetics on the Panther.
The hand grenade rack, the rucksacks with K98’s, the helmet and gas masks are all straight out of the decorations box in WT customisations.

I have the same cosmetic attachments hanging off different vehicles in the German Tech tree.

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it’s the same engine and same publisher so i’m not surprised.

Absolutely, so the question remains where are the ballistics bugs coming from and why are they mucking about with the damage models for all vehicles and flight models for the planes ?
If you play the same vehicles / planes in simulator mode where they mentioned they’re taking them from they handle much better and all weapon systems perform in a reasonably realistic way.
They’re quite reasonably living up to their “simulation mode” as advertised and meeting expectations.

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idk. I thought it was said they are or have messing with the damage models for “muh balance”

I can only assume they are using the earliest models of vehicle penetration and damage, to avoid glitches or problems. When War Thunder started back in 2012, the vehicle damage was as it was now in Enlisted.

Improvements came through engine updates and patches, and I think they are being careful to add those adjustments gradually, because they took a lot of time to fit into the base game.

Some of vehicles they have in Enlisted were not in the original release of WT back when they added in Ground Forces. So I don’t think they’re doing that, it would be a cut and paste from the latest version, the ghostofishmael’s suggestion makes more sense that they’ve given the WT pack to some dev with a more of an FPS background and they’ve mucked up the lot trying to adjust vehicle based combat to now include infantry. Hopefully its all “work in progress” and it gets bashed into some semblance of authenticity as they juggle content with bug fixes etc…

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Which vehicles? I think every tank and plane currently in-game is in War Thunder

And yes, I know some vehicles were added later, but they are still based on the original coding as far as I know, so the same flight models, damage models etc., so the vehicles might be from later in War Thunder, but the base game version is what determines physics

Going to have to disagree, and give that to the M4A3. If we include prototypes, T32E1. If we include Tanks that didn’t make it to combat but were in production, and exclude prototypes, IS3.

Even among German tanks of the war, I think the Tiger 2 looks better.

The Panther isn’t a bad looking tank, though. But not my favorite in looks.

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They actually aren’t just copy and pasting, the models have to be completely rebuilt to run in Enlisted, they’ve talked about this in their Q&A sessions on Twitch a few times.

But sure, why not tweak an already existing model than spending hundreds of dollars on getting someone to model the exact same thing with a few negligible changes?

Because different developers?
Just because Microsoft own Bethesda doesn’t mean that any other MS studio automatically get Bethesda’s IP.
And because WT and Enlisted still have different coding, even if it’s in the same engine.

Yes but the assets were still directly ripped from Warthunder.

thank you good sir.

i must say that this camofulage it’s actually good.

i love the fact that it also comes with helmets, backpacks, gasmasks and different insignas.

No problem. Definitely looks a bit more “lived in” which is nice.

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Sorry to ask, but is this the Panther G “Kurmark” from the Berlin campaign battlepass vehicles?

I have this exact same tank, but it’s missing the backpacks and the grenades.

that is a different panther.

the panther you are looking for, it’s another one.

i’m afraid that one has been discontinued a couple of seasons ago.

I remember I saw that it was the Kurmark Panther in the shop when I brought it. It was in the Berlin campaign shop. I was originally going to get the SU-85, but it had no machine gun, so I brought that panther instead.