Battlepass Panther visuals

Maybe this is the original one.

Screenshot 2023-10-25 131657

Almost every German Gold vehicle just has a new skin plastered over the default. If you look closely at the two Berlin Panthers you can clearly see it. If anything the new skin barely stands out

I think they should really clean them up

I thought ghost was somehow unbanned… then I saw it’s a 2 yrs old post.

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LOL. The number on the original Panther was 432, and the font size was a lot bigger than the numbers on my Panther, which was strange. The number on my Panther is 421, and the font size is smaller too.

If it’s the Normandy one, it’s because it was censored. Some spineless guy whined about it and forced devs to change the skin…


meanwhile another guy is enjoying the game…



I’m not even certain if it’s an old school pea brain nazi wanna be, or one of those terror supporters vermins from current news.

When I see those I just ignore them, or click the report button (I know it doesn’t work. Took 2 years to get rid of stotheg) and call it a day… some individuals are just lost causes…

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I’m starting to regret not getting it.

Those names are so inappropriate its offensive to Jewish people, and they already lost 6 million of their own people in world war 2, how can the game let players have a name like that?

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