Battle Pass weapons

Might I suggest they take the 4 gun limit off the Battle Pass guns you can buy. If someone is WILLING to PAY for weapons, why limit them to just 4 of a certain gun? I don’t think there is any one weapon that is going to give someone an unfair advantage. Example, I like the level 1 Berretta semi auto rifle, and you cannot get a semi auto German rifle that is rated under level 3 that I know of, so if I want some squads that fight in level 1-3 then I have no option of a semi auto rifle, unless I am willing to buy the Berretta, but I can only buy 4. Just a suggestion, as I HATE bolt action rifles, especially in close quarters combat. :sweat_smile:

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Imagine possibility to buy unlimited numbers of G43k back then.
750g spend per one weapon, extreme definition of pay to win.


I was gonna say that. The G43 Kurtz and the T20 rifle are insanely good. Not to mention the RM-50 on riflemen with large ammo pouches.

This is a terrible idea.


Yeah, maybe, but I’m only thinking about myself. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: But I see your point.


The whole point of BP guns is that you’re supposed to get them in a limited amount, removing that limit makes no sense


It should actually be limited to 1, not 4.

Seeing dudes cycle through several squads with 4 fantasy Cönders guns is ridiculous

Even though I fully agree with the necessity of a hard limit, I admit that in some cases I wish I could buy just a few more.

In example, I wish I could buy more PPD-BRAMIT so I could arrange a fully silenced Russian assaulters squad.


Yeah, i have the similar problem with paratroopers.


Imagine, a 9 man rifleman squad, all with RMN-50’s :slight_smile:

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I WOULD give it to my soviet paratroopers, except there’s no ammo pouches option and 2 drums are way too few for my taste.

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Yep, that’s why I wanted to give shpytalniy to my paratroopers.
±200 ammo overall and movement debuff wouldn’t matter much, since they’re paratroopers.

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…Does Shpytalniy even debuff movement? :thinking:

I always thought that was only a heavy weapons / MGs thing.

Yep, it does. But only -20%. You can check Euthymia’s data sheet if you want.

I would be happy with just being able to buy 6 or 8 instead of just 4, and to be honest, at the moment my only complaint is that with the Germans you don’t have a semi auto rifle until you get level 3 unless you buy the Beretta which is a level 1 rated rifle. It does not matter unless you want squads to stay within that level 1-3 range as the Germans have a level 3 semi auto that you can use in level 3-5. But I can see why they don’t allow you to buy as much as you want, but it would be nice in some circumstances, especially when a certain type gun is not offered and the only option is to buy.

well, actually you can buy 6 swordpistols :nerd_face: :point_up:t2:


:rofl: Somehow that doesn’t seem as appealing.

Maybe increase it to 6 guns? Hehe, 4 rifles dont fit equally into my 3 squads, so they dont trigger my hate for uneven numbers.

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To be fair G43K isn’t better than the regular techtree unlocks anymore, which is more or less true for all gold weapons - besides the T20 of course, but also only because the US has no FG42 type trooper weapon.

That isn’t quite right. G43k is basically AR for anyone. There’s nothing like that in tech tree.

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