Battle Pass: The First Season of 2023

Cönders MG - According to some “sources” this thing fired 2,200 - 2,400 rpm. :smirk:

2400 RPM seems to be a bit overkill. However when I tried it in the editor it seems to be around 900.

It’s in fact the BP-weapon is the same weapon that this page tries to denote.
However it seems to be a big confusion if the weapon was using 7.9 x 33mm Kurz caliber or 9 x 19mm.

This link propose the first:

Regardless according to Coenders’s helper Heinz-Kurt Schmidt it was able to fire 2200-2400 rpm.
Ofc it doesent mean it was intended to fire in that crasy rate.
The buffer in the bolt was probably not only reduced the recoil but also the RoF.

Another question:
Why is LAD considerd a LMG and Cönder SMG in the game?

Both guns are of the same kind - a heavy SMG or LMG

And why do they state that the gun was not conplete if it was and parts only got stolen or lost?

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That’s not how it works.

god I hate that unlocking a weapon with a golden order just gives you one gun. What the hell am I supposed to do with that. Having it unlockable again and again for 3 silver orders would be so much better.

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That’s why they gold order weapons and not normal guns unlocked by silver.

They supposed to be rare, unique guns. Ence why one either need to farm BP to be rewarded with one, events or gold purchase after season


they are rare. do you know how many battlepasses it would take to get every gun for each faction for each campaign. 1 gun isn’t going to change anything and you might barely get to use it, so lackluster. only gold orders worth anything are the vehicle ones. you still have to unlock them with a gold order it wouldn’t make them any less rare.

Can you increase time before those old weapons disappear? You can’t physically grind to lvl 50/75 to get gold orders before they disappear which is stupid, they should be there for 90d like RMN-50



well they were supposed to disappear at the end of this battlepass, they only gave extra time as they changed how many u can get. They wouldn’t extend its time for another whole battlepass

You did! Great!

My game keeps crashing now…

Funny, you can buy infinite GOG now…

So how about you make the battle pass weapons with the timer on them cheaper? Let’s say 400 gold instead of 750? It’s fair to say that I’m not the only one who spent their multiple gold weapon orders on the weapons that would disappear by the end of the current season only to discover that they now can buy like 10 extra weapons.


@Conscript_Joe now … they are 5 :smiley:


Aaah you keep pushing my jealousy trigger! Perfect lil smg, that’s not great, but really fun to use.

Got so many gold guns to get… so many…

most of them really worth
besides 2 more kurz , 3 m4a1 carbines was for sure a good investment :

squad starts to look like a true airborn squad :smiley:

this was a nice add to the game . lets see how it goes from now on.


If only there was the 50% off again. 750 * so many to get = a big amount :laughing:

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Explain how it isn’t. They made a non rising sun version for Japan. Gajin is in Hungary, not Russia. They can made a localized version for players in countries without laws about the symbol in games. Just flip the harmonized toggle one more switch over to a 3rd position.

That part on Gaijin being in Hungary and not Russia is highly sensitive issue, so I would not get on that topic if I were you. Besides, the Japanese flag is mainly restricted in China, and the flag has existed for centuries - long before WW2. On the other hand, the depiction of the Swastika is restricted in many European countries (Hungary and Russia included), and banned in Germany for obvious reasons. I doubt Gaijin, or even Dark Flow would be comfortable delving into such a situation.

Back on topic, I hope that older Gold order weapons that we might have missed will return in future battle passes.
