Battle Pass season postponement

Hello, why is it you are insisting on getting rid of GOs when you can clearly see, the tye of compensation being asked for as a result of delays is GOs?

It’s not too late to reverse an unpopular decision, but I do think if they have to go, we should get camo for planes or vehicles instead which reacts to environment, ie no desert tanks in Normandy…


Without further notice? Dont scare me like that ^^ bought about 35 at normal price this last weeks, Im kinda new and missed those beautiful weapons back then (missed January sale too, family and work, made me want to quit my job and abandon my f… Jk). Love the go weapons system but I was consequent and reacted to it going away, dont do this to me… pleek. ^^

I think it has to do with the fact that mostly people take the good- to-op weapons only. They want more balance giving you Cönders (for example) or a de Lisle after doing an event (for example) the idea is not bad, more variety in weaponry in matches. That and other reasons (good and plain bad) too longand many to discuss ^^

Guess I am the only one that doesn’t care about delays - as long as the game isn’t abandoned I’m happy…

That being said, I just went on vacation, so RIP gold order I guess haha


Why not revert to the previous Battle Pass system? At this point, both weapons and vehicles fall under the scope of World War II, meaning you’ve likely hit a content ceiling. You’re trying to force something that isn’t feasible, and as a result, you’re repeatedly delaying things in an opaque manner—something players despise the most.

Or are you planning to lump everything together, including the April event update? Listen, the most important thing for a developer to uphold is the deadline. Also, any major announcements should be made in a location where all players can easily find and understand them. Why are these announcements being buried in places that require excessive effort to discover?

Just bring back the old Battle Pass. That way, whenever you come up with something new, you can simply announce, “New Gold Ticket weapons! New vehicles available!” and call it a day.

And one more thing—stop focusing on graphics effects, shadows, and sunlight. Nobody cares. Instead, fix the lag.

Now, let me be blunt about something crucial: You haven’t properly separated the console player servers between America, Europe, and Eastern Europe, have you? Even when we select a specific server, everyone just gets dumped into the same one. So, where exactly are console players being assigned? It’s about time you clearly and officially address this issue.

This game had solid content, but you are strangling yourselves with poor management. As a result, it feels like even veteran players are beginning to lose interest.


I would argue that the most important thing is delivering a game that is fun to play, that being more important than deadlines obviously, but okay.


There’s a saying or question have you stopped beating your wife/son/dog, the same for lag how do you advertise no longer having lag. A you admit you had lag but fixed it for now. Also like cheating you can never declare victory of eliminating lag/cheating aside from removing pc play. Also graphics have been a selling point since video games and are far easier to compliment it’s why every game wants to be unreal 5.

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Making stuff bold looks stupid.

Late to the party I guess because a lot of gold order weapons in the past were WW1 or interwar weapons.
Also, the vehicles apart from one Italian tanks were and are just skins, now even literally.

They did it in the past.

Personally I prefer delays over bugs and crashes.

No, to deliver a game that is playable at least.

That does make sense because the old system still released new stuff, not just tickets.

Eventually they have to upgrade graphics.
Graphics wouldnt be so bad anyways if game wasnt released for consoles.

Dunno, maybe there are just not enough console players.

giphy (1)



I’m going to be completely honest but will remain respectful in this comment as I understand this delay was caused due to issues that were out of the hands of the devs this time.

However, I will say that this new battlepass format has been just a disaster because there has been nothing but delays completely failing at the main objective this new format was supposed to accomplished and that is giving more content in the long term compared to the older format.

The fact they have given only two Gold Orders for Weapons for 28 days of delay is baffling and incredibly goofy to the point it feels like a meme, even more taking into consideration the removal of the Gold Order Shop that was announced with this new format and which several players were very clear in their disapproval of this removal.

The only good compensation that I honestly will accept as appropriate for these inconveniences is a clear change and a statement explicitly declaring they will NOT remove the Gold Order and will instead remain in the game so we can still have the choice and agency of which rewards to get after participating in events or battlepasses. I have been checking the news on this game from time to time hoping to come back to the game after taking a break since I was not interested in the Soviet SMG of this battlepass but all I see makes me more disappointed and concerned about the future of this game, I’m not only losing patience but losing hope very fast on a game that has some really good potential to become great.


its amazing they don’t even have an event ready for something like this hopefully the event comes out tomorrow and not wait the 7 days to say the event, update, and BP is delayed again and end up giving people another 50% or 100% boosters.

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take your time :stuck_out_tongue:

launch boxes?

When is the Event starting does anyone know?


No event ?


My guess is tomorrow


OIP (6)



Yes or YES !?


Ohh another case of the “Trust Me Bro” sweet

It seems that apology event has been postponed as well. :crazy_face: