Battle Pass season postponement

A tad bit off the cuff, but I would like to remark in my personal and anecdotal experience that this is the only game I’ve played, which is a Live Service that has encountered so many issues in attempting to deliver a steady flow of content to its playerbase to the point I started to see the pattern in different users saying such delay announcements are even expected to such degree where even content creators mentioned a similar point, I’m not that huge on Live Service games, but I’ve played quite a few of them and none of them entered on this weird state of constant delays over and over again, it honestly makes me belief the dev team has huge ambitions, but it’s lacking on the workforce necessary to deliver the content and goes ahead and promises a faster cycle of content with the new format only to fail even harder not taking into consideration the precedents of not being able to meet the deadline and had delays even on the older format.

In all the other Live Service games I have experienced, not one of them has reached this critical point and delays are an extremely rare exception and not the norm as it has become in Enlisted to the point that it is now unacceptable and makes me concerned, and I think a worse scenario is actually happening.

Basically, the failure of the main purpose of the new format. Tone-deaf decision of wanting to remove the Gold Order Shop, despite the player base disapproval and the fact that no other game in my personal experience has reached such a low point has greatly decreased my confidence in the future of this game, thus making me stay away from putting any more money on this game from now on since its future is becoming all the more uncertain to me, and I’m starting to genuinely believe there may be crippling internal management issues that have lead to this mess and makes me afraid that this game doesn’t have much time left before hitting EOS which is really sad as I do like the gameplay it offers in BR 1 and BR 2, we will see what happens in the future, but I’m not confident at all


They will probably delay it again without any announcement.

I hope you will forward my words to PM: “make some event drafts which you could just fill by rewards in 2 clicks and put on release for such situations. It will not take a lot of resources but will help to solve the stagnation problem in similar situations. Just 2-3 different formats for extremal_situation events.”

As BA and ND I know what Im talking about

it is 5th delay…

Can anyone else not log in? I keep getting unknown error.

Mini update

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I hope Enlisted will not die cause of the delays + end of GO shop + too many proto + lot of other decisions

I can log in


probably the event

they uploaded the event banner and maybe a unique reward.

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No the event wasn’t there after I log it more likely a bug fixes

Making Enlisted a better place update?

If there’s event, it will start at daily reset time. Meaning in ±30 minutes from now.


So the event is today? Lets get it :muscle:t2:

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nothing happen in a new day

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So we just getting swords? Damn


Hell yeah I love swords

What guns will you be giving away for this event? But at this point, keep it up, at this rate I’ll have nearly every BP weapon for Germany and the USA

Swords no guns

hmm …
Japan katana?
good collection…