Battle Pass season postponement

What happens if you extended your elite Battle Pass during the first postponement? Mine is left active for 5 days. Do you get compensated for this?

Pffff… It a joke once you bought the BP you just have to finish it no refund allow

OK, without gold order I would furious, but with gold order I’m fine

I already finished it before the first postponement. My EBP was going to end 3 days prior the season was going to stop, so I extended thinking the new one would start. Boy… Was I wrong!

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I think that’s a bit unrealistic. Delays are a bad look and concerning for veteran players, one of the groups most likely to spend money in game. Too many delays will make people uncertain about the games future and worsen the playerbase overall, making people less likely to spend money (“invest in the game”) long term.

I know darkflow isn’t exactly adverse to questionable decisions but I think that would be a bit stupid even for them.

She’s most likely just memeing the situation, like most people here.


One month of premium lost. Nothing to do in the game.


Ah, compensation in the form of an event…just like Stalingrad. So all the people who bought into the new battle pass get the same event the people who didn’t gets…just like Stalingrad.

Im done giving you guys money.


Well, with the extremely slow content release rate, I guess… an event where you can grind for something is almost like a positive? Almost?

At least you can try to achieve something other than carrying a team full of tards all the time.


This is a huge disappointment form the community standpoint we just ask for a little transparency with whats going on but nothing explained would of finished with this battle pass by now but have to wait even longer and to get some boosters and 1 GO is a dissapointment why not give 2 GO to everyone but give 4 to premium players that invested extra money for said premium status now just playing to play with nothing to gain 4th time already no new battle pass again who is in charge over there they have been doing a horriable job for 2025 so far look at a game like HELLDIVERS game come out everyone love it devs start messing with the game everyone hates it gets 1 stars across the board then they LISTENED TO THEIR COMMUNITY were TRANSPARENT about there situations now the game is thriving all 1 star reviews are flipped to 5 stars and game won awards as well but keep giving us broken deadlines keep pushing us away and dont say anything about the situation until 2min. befor the update is SUPPOSED TO DROP but heres a booster for your troubles got premium for the next 365 days and dont know what to do with it now. … ( I know devs probably thinking Joke on you hahahah)


when enlisted player base asks what’s going on with the BP


Please StOP giving us a date just say POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE…Now you have to give an excuse for why march 19th comes and gos without an update.


All good. Keep postponing it. Keep the gold order compensations for the duration coming :grin:

Turned out better for me than having the new BP lol

Vive la BP Store!!!

P.S would love some vehicle ones too please :pray: So 2 Gold vehicles, 2 soldiers, and 2 more weapons please :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: (actually forget the soliders…weapons/vehicles instead)


In the feature can we have a regular mode and a pro mode or whatever you want to call it im tired of getting stuck on a team that dont know how to play the game its NOT about who got the most kills its point based no one builds rallies just remove the bomber call in its such a waist of time yo can call in 2 artillary strikes befor 1 bomber run is finished and people love to call in bomber runs I play exclusivly on console (PS5) just wish to play with players that know how to play and how the game works if were loosing why do people love to take the same route to the objective maybe flank from the side build a rally point and see how the game may change in your favor. And give a time limit for the whimpy tank crews who have to hide out of bounds to get a kill such a weak move and can we get proper stats for at mines and other weapons/equipment that dont have stats what exactly there radius is and damage output instead of just staring at a weapon with no stats attached to them. Just a few suggestions for an update down the road.

Jeez you really dislike commas :crazy_face:


Just stating my opinion not to write a proper essay.

Well, let’s wait until March 19th.


The continuous postponements, one after another, are becoming increasingly frustrating. While you mention that unforeseen issues have arisen, I find it highly questionable why such internal problems keep occurring in the first place. Furthermore, since this is an important matter that affects all platforms, why has this announcement not been made as a top article on your company’s homepage?

Rather than simply offering players meager and uninspired compensation, wouldn’t it be more appropriate to provide a thorough explanation of the reasons behind the delays on your homepage?

Moreover, what was the purpose of shortening the Battle Pass cycle and removing gold tickets if delays are going to become the norm? If postponements were inevitable, wouldn’t it have been better to leave the previous Battle Pass structure unchanged?


Lmao. Almost everyone I’ve read is raging. While that’s literally me. I’m just gonna wait for when it’s finally ready :+1:



Kill old gen support (unrelated to current issue)

Cancel steam

jump of a bridge, not into shallow water a twisted ankle should be enough

sorry, were not saying pointless stupid things my bad

yep jettisoning 10-20 percent of the total player population yeah there are too many players, that’s what everyone says

lets make it Linux exclusive, or pc exclusive and just get rid of console