Battle Pass season postponement


  • change the arbitrary timelines they keep putting out to indefinite. Explain clearly in an announcement in-game and on all communication platforms what’s going on, as much as possible. (Obvs this is ongoing but in game announcement is most important)
  • give out more GOs of each type on a regular basis until the issue is resolved.

I guess an event is cool. I’ll reserve my judgement on it until I see it. But still, 2 GOs and a couple boosters for 28 days of delay…it’s quite obvious why people are pissed.


at this point if you make another delay… give the Premium BP for free i mean is the best you can do tbh
eventually weapon GO will not be enough


Some more goodies :smile:

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This should prevent another BP getting delayed multiple times.
Knowing that Darkflow is not even responsible for the delay but the console system that is giving trash tech support puts me at ease.
You guys did everything you could.


Kill old gen support (unrelated to current issue)


We already have an event that was delayed by 13 days according to the original schedule.
And the event was originally designed to last 15 days.

Create an event for players to choose from two weapons and one squad

Once again, we wholeheartedly apologize for the issues. We know players are disappointed, angry, upset - or just done with all these delays.

Hopefully the post above gives a bit more clarity to the situation, for what we can say. Trust us when we say these delays have hurt developers too, as they are incredibly passionate about the project.

For those enquiring about compensation, there will be more compensation in the form of an event very soon, as per the news.

We do hope something like this doesn’t happen again (well I definitely don’t, I’ve been waiting for my Japanese rifle to fix my BR 3 lineup for a while now :innocent: )!


I’m this close to just uninstalling…


I can’t think of them having zero influence over a postponement that lasts almost like one BP season in the new format.


You didn’t replicate the Mauser M712 last year, it’s time to take it out now

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What kind of event? Like a reinforcements recived or a supply drop?
I am sure if the event is good players will not mind the delays, at least partially.

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Is it not BR4?

You don’t need to explain this matter, you don’t need the community to sympathize with your work.
Personally I don’t care what difficulties you encounter. I just need to get more WGO and VGO as compensation.


We’ll see whether it will delayed again, since its that important that xbox players can get newest version. Perhaps not enough players on PC to function properly? Who knows.

Close to that one.


nice i would want something new but a rerun event weapon will do

Can you say what rewards will be in the event?

I’m unironically glad they’re not releasing a new battle pass. You can extend it as long as you want if you submit a gold order every week.