Can you say what rewards will be in the event?
I’m unironically glad they’re not releasing a new battle pass. You can extend it as long as you want if you submit a gold order every week.
Can players choose an event squad they haven’t received yet?
Players can be very tolerant of delays as long as there is enough compensation and an apologetic attitude.
If a month’s income is converted into 4+2+2 gold cards, and the boss is only willing to pay 2 gold cards for 80% of the workers’ wages, that is, 2/8=25% of the wages, will anyone agree?
Please tell me, why should players bear the 80%-25%=55% salary loss?
You mentioned that compensation will be provided in the form of an event.
That is also acceptable.
But this event cannot be one that was originally written in the schedule (the schedule is expected to end on April 8).
And the task requirements of this activity to compensate players need to be simple enough, players do not need to fight more than 3 battles, and the rewards should be rich enough. Because players should not get compensation by “working overtime”.
The first two delays were probably due to DF, but now that they stop linking BP and updates together, there will be less delays like this one.
Let’s wait and see.
Tell us what will happen in nine days. If that problem platform is not resolved, do you have to wait forever? Do the players have to wait forever?
Well, players are not treated like employees much less like customers who bought physical good. Along with various agreements we sign, the only choice left is to vote with wallet.
I still expect BPs to be extended once by a week XD
the issue here is the BP need to be specifically launched with the update, if wasn’t, it will be already launched time ago, but is true further separation between BP and update is always better
well are GO shop still gonna be gone? just asking to confirm
Without further notice, is gone once the update drop
Looking around on the market, every game that is tied to a set ETA and is rushed to make it, fails at release.
Even AAA games can’t make the deadlines.
Its actually for the best if Darkflow delays the updates rather than release a bugged mess.
Maybe bringing back the veteran box would be a nice additional “reward”
gotta be honest… DF give the old BP format back yeee always you delayed but only once not 5 freaking times…
also give the weapon and soldier GO shop back and give to us the freedom of choosing whatever we want
They just explained to us that the delays are not even due to the BP not being ready on time and in the future they will stop linking the BP to updates so we will see way less delays.
Once again, we wholeheartedly apologize for the issues. We know players are disappointed, angry, upset - or just done with all these delays.
I’m just gonna drop this off here. Because I think it’s really funny.
I understand that the last 2 delays were due more to platform issues than to the step itself.
It is very possible that said platform is an old generation console like the PS4 or the Xbox one.
Because I think it’s really funny.
I did say back then: “so far”…