I did say back then: “so far”…
Considering the whole debate was about how much gold F2P players would get from the new BP vs the old one.
It would be nice of you to give those players some of that premium currency as compensation in the event you’re planning now.
At least so much so that F2Ps will finally be able to buy a squad slot for one of their favorite factions.
But whatever…
Will the announcement also be communicated on the enlisted website?
Yes, further notice as always will be communicated on all channels and website of enlisted
Sorry for troubling you with this, but this news hasn’t been announced on Discord, is there a reason for this?
Well im waiting to see what you guys will give out in small event (maybe a lever action rifle?)
Maybe bringing back Veteran Box with a little discount?
with a little discount?
The tiny discount of 90%

all channels and website
it still “Pass shop will also be postponed until March 3rd (13:00 UTC).”
Important news about the upcoming update - News - Enlisted
not ”until March 10rd (13:00 UTC)“
Be honest plz。
Or, please care enough to Enlisted
Okay thats reasonable. I feel thats very fair the way that was put. People should have an announcement on their platform what ever platform’s that may be. It would save alot off trouble. Thanks for the update.
Additionally, to fill the void caused by the postponement of the Battle Pass, we will start a small event soon in which you can receive valuable rewards for your armies.
Thank you for doing something
I think F2P and paid battle pass players should be given some compensation, given this battle pass has been like, 2 battle pass lengths by now?
For that amount I can be persuaded.
Idk what you talk about, I answered him other news will posted on all the available place as always, as he wanted know
announcement also be communicated on the enlisted website?

Yes, further notice as always will be communicated on all channels and website of enlisted
if you said to him talk about :“I did say back then …”
they are not “notice as always be communicated on all channels and website”
if you said to him talk about :“the new event”
plz add: “At a later date”
The reward should be given to all players who participate in the event obviously.
But I really don’t expect them to give out 500g or however much a slot costs.
We’re talking about a company that held a screenshot contest based on a Halloween-themed event.
An event where you have to pay 750/900g (I don’t remember exactly) just to unlock the opportunity to get all the content of the event.
Remember what the main prize for the screenshot competition was? 250g and a profile avatar.
The winners actually provided DF with some amazing screenshots.
But DF has not even given them enough gold to get back the amount they had to pay to unlock all the content of the event the screenshot contest was based around.
We hope for your understanding.
We aren’t understanding
You guys aren’t communicating at all, just acting like high schoolers
Have some guts and own it, if something is really messed up just come out and say what the problem is, hell, do a large suspension of BP if that’s what it takes but at least have the mettle to do it, instead of dropping "oh btw, JK, we delay again for #randomamountofdays” with like 1h before the BP is supposed to go live. Fo NTH CONSECUTIVE TIME
At this rate Roadcraft will be out before you lot are done or even get around to saying wth is going on
Notice is another way to say news, advise etc… in English
“I did say back then “so far ””
it is the words in news, advise… in English
been waiting for my Japanese rifle to fix my BR 3 lineup for a while now
You and me both! I love any and all new content for Japan and I’m very keen for the Hino!