Battle Pass: 2nd Season 2023

On April 19th, look forward to the launch of the new Enlisted Battle Pass season! Here’s a list of the rewards and improvements to expect in it for you!


Lahti-Saloranta m/26 (Axis, Moscow/Stalingrad/Berlin)

Lahti-Saloranta m/26 (Axis, Moscow/Stalingrad/Berlin)

This Finnish attempted 20-round magazine fed light machine gun was designed for use in harshest climatic conditions and was adopted for service in 1926. Its design was based on the best machine guns of WWI. So it is not at all surprising that in its features the influence of American and German design schools is clearly noticeable.

W.A.R. (Allies, Normandy/Pacific)

W.A.R. (Allies, Normandy/Pacific)

The unusual acronym stands for Winchester Automatic Rifle. It is an American light machine gun offered by Winchester to replace the BAR machine guns. Compared to the current weapon, the W.A.R. was more accurate, lightweight and cheaper. The end of WW2 interrupted the series of successful tests and mass production of this gun never started.

FN Model 1930 (Axis, Normandy/Pacific)

FN Model 1930 (Axis, Normandy/Pacific)

This Belgian machine gun was developed on the basis of the Browning M1918 by the famous Fabrique Nationale company. It retained all positive features of its predecessor, but added modular design and slow full-auto mode to this weapon, which appeared 8 years later on the Browning M1918A2!

It was exported actively to many countries, but China was the main export market.

Experimental Degtyarev Sniper Rifle, model 1938 (Allies, Moscow/Stalingrad/Berlin)

Experimental Degtyarev Sniper Rifle, model 1938 (Allies, Moscow/Stalingrad/Berlin)

The sniper rifle was developed by V. A. Degtyarev on the basis of his other 1932 model rifle. It was equipped with 3.9x telescopic sight and detachable 10-round magazines. Compared to the previous version, the weight of the rifle was a full one kilogram reduction. The improvements did not help the rifle to go into mass production, but it can still be a great exclusive in the hands of your best snipers!

Among the rewards, as before, there are plenty of orders for weapons, soldiers, customization, and other useful equipment for every commander. The most valuable: gold weapon order, two for soldiers, and two for armored vehicles with unique camouflage!

In addition to the unique weapons of the season, you will have available for purchase 12 new unique soldiers with the best characteristics for their level, as well as 10 pieces of armored vehicles and aircraft in an exclusive design!


We’ve implemented even more varied battle tasks for you and improved the ones we’ve already introduced. Take a look!

  • Get the first kill in a battle 3 times.
  • Kill 200 enemies while attacking or defending a strategic point.
  • Kill 50 enemies using an ampulomet or a flamethrower.
  • Complete 5 battles with 10 or more kills using a tank or aircraft.
  • Your rally points were used by your teammates 80 times.
  • Kill 30 enemies with rockets or bombs.
  • Kill 75 enemies using a mortar or artillery fire.
  • Complete 3 battles with at least one streak of 15 submachine gun kills in this battle with soldiers from the same squad.


With the start of the new season, some rewards from previous seasons will have a timer, after which they will no longer be available for purchase.

They will soon disappear from the store:

  • Unique Soldiers of Moscow, Normandy, Berlin and Tunisia: Victor Meganov (fighter pilot), Felix Bliesner (fighter pilot), Neil Orenko (assaulter), Warnfried Salnisch (assaulter), Maxim Merkulin (rifleman), Ralf Reihmer (rifleman), Alexander Clarkson (assaulter), Lorenzo Riveberi (assaulter).
  • Unique weapons of Normandy and Berlin: Mkb 35/III, RMN-50, Pedersen rifle.
  • Vehicles with unique camouflage of Moscow, Berlin and Tunisia: Т-50 1st Guards Tank Brigade camo, Bf 110 C-7 Green summer camo, Т-34-85 “Suvorov”, Panther G “Müncheberg”, Hurricane Mk IIB/Trop, 6th squadron RAF, M13/40 VII Battaglione, 32 Reggimento Carri, Ariete, El-Aghelia.

If you planned to get one of the outgoing rewards earlier, hurry up to make your decision by the 26th of April.


Sounds good. Will Def go for the axis m26 this season.



Japan just got their best LMG )))


It would be cool if this is one of the daily challenge, but with less requirement to promote teamwork.

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Will definetely go for the M26 and the FN Model 30 for Japan.

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I’ll most likely skip this one every time. Too unreliable to score, and only one player per match can possibly earn it.


Love the new weapons, will look forwards to using them, not seen any ps5 update yet for Paras on store, they are out in Germany PS store though…
but I’m UK.

Also hope the update has fixed our stuka tailgunners :crossed_fingers:

Try this link: Airborne Bundle

And 3 times😵

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That link is for German PSN store I think you said, just worried if I buy on there I won’t be able to use them?

If they are not on my ps5 version, location why not?

@James_Grove @1942786 could either of you please confirm.

No this one is for the UK-Store (see URL).

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Ok, but why isn’t it appearing on my Ps5 store then? I guess I’ll have to wait, hoping that maybe it updates at time of update to BP download, although I did have system update this morning for ps, no added squad to store I checked…

God that BAR looks really nice…shame it’s not in Berlin :frowning:

Does it even matter with upcoming merging of campaigns?

Rework the gold order soldiers, so that they are actually worth a gold order:
give them all max rank and max level with perfect stats (so they are not worse than a normal silver soldier)
& give them +2+2+2 on top. also free up all the slots they usually would have (weapons, backs, pistols etc)

if you wait for the new perk system after the update, make sure to integrate THIS proposal, so they stop sucking under the new system.


Finally some LMGs gold orders!

Lahti-Saloranta m/26 is a great weapon. Also a “confirmation” that winter war campaign is not coming this year?

Some of the new tasks (if they are daily, not weekly) seem really excessive.

First kill: you have about 1/20 chance per game and you need to repeat that 3 times? That’s quite a lot of games to go through. That’s even not counting the games where you are joined after the fighting has started and you have 0 chance to achieve the task.

Same: 80 rally uses. That’s realistically 5-10 games unless you’re literally the only player building rally points. Way too much.

Same: artillery kills. 75 is a huge number.

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These are weekly tasks. It is explained on Reddit.

Numbers and overall difficulty make much more sense then.

More and moe the feeling that we wont get subnations.