"Battle of Tunisia": campaign discussion

First match and I actrually love the bikes. The two issues I see with them is that if you killed the crew their bike wont despawn which means that half of the map is full with empty bikes and that they take a vehicle slot in your squad setup which is just unfair.


In my opinion, none of the soldier models look remotely good. They are terrible, and with very little detail. Even the faces are super weird.

If you previously played games like Hell Let Loose where soldier models are top notch and copy with painstaking detail the uniforms and whatever equipment different units would carry, you would hate the models in Enlisted. I sure do.

Even, the sci-fi soldier models from Battlefield 1 and 5 look so much better. So, my expectations in this regard are very low already, since in my opinion, the standard set here is very low. I wish they went back and reworked every soldier model to look more true to life.


So far it’s pretty funky. I’m not really a fan of any of the uniforms at the moment. It feels like Darkflow wanted most of their uniforms to be based on sorta obscure uniform combinations for various armies, but especially with the british they just look bad. I’d prefer most of the troops to be just generic tommies in shorts, thanks.

Gameplay wise it’s sorta too early to tell, I can say that overall the Axis does not feel good to play at all. The carcano’s bayonet is pretty nice, and i like how it feels to shoot. The starter tank not having any machine gun fucking sucks major eggs. You just sit at the end of a road while infantry runs by you, hell as british troops you can sorta just ignore the axis tanks completely, they’re almost no threat.

It doesn’t feel like you can ever get close enough to kill brit Grants with the PzB-Gr39, and the boys rifle feels super light and easy to shoot compared to say, the PTRD or PzB-39. I get you guys are still testing things, but at the moment i’m not sure it’s worth 50 dollars.


Well. The US soldiers still have Soviet faces. But the Britians suddenly have their own faces now (at least to some extend)


I am used to the absolutely trash vehicle controls from HLL (hell let loose), so the slightly less garbage controls from Enlisted feel like swiss precision to me. Until you hit an invisible wall because you were driving to close to a gate with big boy collision detection and you crash into invisible walls. That’s fun.

It would not hurt if they implemented the mouse control for wheeled vehicles from Warthunder.

I wonder if vehicle controls are just as bad with console controllers. I have this suspicion that controls are optimized for console, because planes are equally bad to control with keyboard while using freelook (which is all of the time for me), and once you let go of the freelook button, the plane bounces all over the place. Not to mention the rudder control is complete trash on most planes, and any serious rudder control causes your plane to dive like a rock with very stiff response when trying to recover. It boggles the mind.

Wait, you mean it prevents someone else from spawning in a tank???

You are right. You are locking out one of the two tank slots available by using a bike. I did not realize that. That’s insane!

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surely not, i’ve been able to drive a bike while other people have been driving bikes, at least i think i have.

God I really wish this game had comparable soldier models to HLL. The uniforms in Enlisted right now feel “naked”

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I think a lot of it is that they don’t have their equipment pouches, since enlisted’s soldiers are supposed to look better equipped as you unlock more of them, but it doesn’t really look good.

Frankly i’d prefer they just have their ammo pouches and such be part of their model from the get-go and equipment changes not really matter


one small grenade pouch hovering near the belt line. :o


Most Italians are copy pasted German faces, but some Italians look like true, unique chads at least.

50 bucks faces btw :clown_face:.

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The anglos look like troglodytes (so I guess they got something right)


for sure, current CBT packs are srsly worthless… jesus crist lol

botleneck the premium squads more and ask 50 euros for them.
3 soldiers on a bike that i cant even drive lol
i m sure i ill keep investing /s.

had 2 or 3 encounters against grants on the italian tank. all they could do was penetrate my lower armor and destroy my transmission. after that, its a tenis match where a single shot from the italian one is more than enough to destroy the british tank… not even balanced… both kills felt too easy and not even worth . i didnt felt rewarded besides aiming to the top driver hatch… again, i m not sure if they are even balanced tank vs tank.

italian Carcano m41, its the first and only bolt action rifle in the game, that the shot dont even go on the reticle at 100 meters. i have to aim few mm lower.(not higher, lower lol)

the shovel is able to dig on paved roads, rock passages. should only dig on sand.


awards must be splited to other team members, i wont gain more xp than the current 1.4x with one or 6 awards.

split them to other team players/users so they can also progress faster (if, they manage to acchive them)

btw 2:

strong italian face is strong.


I’d almost rather have an L6/40 or Renault R-35 over the MG-less tank destroyer

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speaking of stronk faces…


cave men warriors


I mean, this guy is meme stuff right there.


How not? The 129 has better gun with the 30mm than the Hurri’s 2 x 40mm, and also secondary weapons - 20mm and 7.92, and “the Duck” is pretty maneuverable - it will be quite good in air-air combat IMO.

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@65240125 you read this too

i expected someone to say something about stuff you mentioned but unfortunately i was right. it dont justify anything tho since you missed the point pretty hard.

M38/42 has better controlbility simply because it has lower fire rate @ 420 RPM mean lower recoil/second while thompson worse controllability because higher fire rate @ 670 Rpm mean higher recoil/second

M38/42 has better velocity simply because the bullet is smaller @ 9mm but lower damage while thompson has worse velocity simply because the bullet is bigger @ .45 but higher damage

fair trade i guess 🤷

my main concern is the overall ammo count, M38/42 get only 2 mag (80 round) while thompson get 4 mag (120 round) even tho M38/42 has lower damage that’s just straight up unbalanced, M38/42 is supposed to have more ammo @ 40/160 (4 spare mag) since it has lower damage than thompson, since thompson also have 4 spare mag, since M38/40 is identical to FNAB-43 that have 40/160

everything’s clear?