"Battle of Tunisia": campaign discussion

after 1st game:

a shovel shouldnt be able to dig on rock paved floors.
bike squads are trash. not worth a single cent

maps have alot of visual bugs, specialy on fences closed to hills, they apear floating
not sure about the map layout, indeed looks good , but besides that, i find it kinda boring.

They do count as vehicle for your squad slots though which is enough for me to complain.

At least the Berlin Assaulters (especially the PPD40DFZ squad) were remotely useful.

I definitely agree. I donā€™t know if I can justify this. Honestly would have preferred buying 50 dollars of gold and getting access to the Tunisia CBT.


Btw. half of the squads have German and American uniforms.
Are you THAT lazy already, Darkflow?


If you do not have many to throw around like dumb whales such as myself who wish to support the game (but hate these kinds of monetization practices), do not feel sorry. Play it when it is out.

It will be filled with bots by next Monday, at best, and there is no progression anyway.

I will play it probably for 10 hours total, until I see everything there is to see, and stop there. It is totally not worth the money. You can just watch streams and yt videos and see everything there is to see without having to pay for it.


I figured these are probably placeholders (hopefully).

50 dollars for access to our alpha pls lol!

@27621858 Iā€™m a bit of a whale. I got a bunch of premium squads, bought into berlin and CBT. I just donā€™t think I can fall for it again?

Alpha testing was actually meaningfull in comparison.

The only purpose of this is cheap greedy moneygrab.

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btw what was the alpha tester award they talked about?

Thatā€™s a rational suggestion ā€¦ Add 50 Gold to the Tunisia Bundles and Iā€™m in ā€¦

i m not sure i recived anything to test alpha.

i cant recall it.

Well, mindset back then wasnĀ“t reward focused. So we still have our ā€œEnlisted Testerā€ titles and alpha badges.

But Enlisted veteran posters and free premium time bait was for alpha+CBT (or only CBT?) so I donĀ“t count it

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well, we saw and played with the tiger 2 and stg / is-2 rmk on berlin :smiley: that for me was more than a reward already xD

9mm vs 45 ACP

Maybe that was it.

Itā€™s nice to acknowledge what is essentially free work being done by the community. Stuff that was at one point built into a dev cycle lmao.

Well, alpha testers mostly shared mindset of: let good game be our reward.

For me, IĀ“m very satisfied with forum title and badge that is pretty much unique.

DoesnĀ“t change anything on scumminess of every single campaign after Normandy.
(In fact, seeing Darkflow degrade this way is even more painful after all that)


Something I need to mention: bike squads taking up a vehicle slot is pretty bad. They play an infantry role, and a serious lineup usually has a fighter, a tank and a bomber, and infantry for the rest.

Giving up any of these to have a bike squad is a really bad proposition because that bike is in no way as valuable as this combination: tank+fighter+bomber and the team which does not roll with armor or bombers against the team that does always loses, no matter how sneaky you are with rally points.

Bikes are essentially rally point delivery. They are great for what they are, and I can see them in my lineup replacing other infantry squads, but they are nowhere near as powerful to break the mandatory fighter-bomber-tank lineup.


they are, if you manage to stear them. lmao xD


Oh yeah, controlling them effectively takes a literal genius to doā€¦

That further erases any usability they might have.

(Lmao they didnĀ“t even gave us a damn posters for that overpriced packā€¦ Normandy/Moscow at least had posters :clown_face:)

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ah, no progression yet. Well, then, I will be waitiing. Specially since I donā€™t want German stuff at all. I bought Moscow GE premium, and literally never played that side. Just wasted like 30 bucks on that.