"Battle of Tunisia": campaign discussion

In my opinion achieving 20th level is pretty demanding and it requires some time, even with premium account. In most cases this time gives player oppurtunity to get familiar with the game itself and its mechanics. If you have any better idea how we could get access to at least first stage of testing of actually any campaign you can share it with us. Of course instead of this what we have right now or any other payment options.

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Most time played in campaign.
That helps you to guarantee that player is experienced enough with at least one nation and it wont discriminate those who play both nations without premium.

But lets face it… this is not realistic solution.

Instead, we need at least to have separated squads with access to get more people in, not the overpriced pack.

I believe they forget to add the name for this map:

I think it’s The Gorge(invasion)

The motorcycles control horribly
Like the WT wheeled vehicles when they first came out

And the game REALLY needs beefier sounds for the firearms


Motorcycles (premium) squads are pretty useless…
Since they occupy one vehicle slots.
And use the furtherer vehicle spawn point… Makes its mobility useless since you have to drive much longer. While obviously, a normal infantry squads can use map’s vehicles and gained even better mobility… Also carry more soldiers with you.
The motorcycle squad is very buggy… Its logo is an infantry logo, but treat as a vehicle squad. And it can not be spawn in practice…


As I suspected they would be a novelty only … Thanks for the preview …

you guys never failed to suprise me


not to mention about imbalanced selection and stats of the Rifles, Plane, and Tank
basically, good ol’ allies bias and germany suffers



Sure why not … make sure you buy that extra vehicle slot too … :roll_eyes:

Added the Temporal Super Resolution feature <------------------- Does it make the resolution higher? so it looks better or is it to increase performance? thx

Temporal Super Resolution is time based up sampling for higher FPS. It will at cost of blur. If you have stronger GPU, then just turn it off.
Just use AMD’s FSR. It’s much better and dont need RTX GPU.

It is really good. Very different from the campaigns we already have.

Large maps with many ways to approach things, and the motorcycle squads are surprisingly useful and add a critical dynamic to the meta. (You have an mg34 while riding it) and mp 40s for the troops.

One of the squad members is an engineer. It invites to going wide on the flank, blowing up a any enemy tanks you come upon en route to the battle, and placing rally points behind the enemy on the top floors of some of the buildings.

Also, many new weapons, to boot.

you mean to tell me that bigger pistol bullet does more damage than smaller one OH THE HORROR!!! also if you look at other stats it shows that tommy gun has worse controllability, and bullet velocity

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Ok… I used GJN I had stored from WT so my regrets are not as high so you can call it: I got that access so you don´t have to.

Premium squads are worthless. Literally worthless. I wouldn´t use them in regular infantry slot and definitely not the vehicle slot it occupies.
Hells I wouldn´t even use them as hangar decoration somewhere in the corner. It is that bad.

New weapons: Definitely appreciated, but motorized divisions (even premium ones) are at best solely for transportation no matter how armed they are.
Maps: What I played so far: visualy it looks great, good job on that front. But everything in Tunisia have somewhat sour taste because this monetization practice is awful and scummy.

But mark my words… this will take a week until it dies completely. Not much testing to be done with that huh.

So, unless you cut this testing extremely short (I give it week or two), we will soon be fighting ONLY bots and it is such a shame.

This was first and probably the last time I got this kind of access on post Normandy campaigns because the horrible stench of greed is very hard to cope with.
All in all as expected, I feel bad for using even those GJN.

If anyone asks me with doubts about buying this… my answer would be decisive “No” that I would not be willing to argue about.


Motorcycle squads shouldn’t occupy a tank slot either
They’re not nearly as hardy or game changing
It should just count as standard infantry


But then you wouldnt be forced to buy premium ^^


No Idgaf if it counts as a vehicle for your lineup
I don’t think it should count as a tank in a match
That’s the retarded part


Fantastic campaign so far, with a bunch of new very interesting mechanics.

Things I like:

  • Very happy to see British and Italian troops. I was concerned there will be a lot of copy paste with another USA vs Germany and a bunch of weapons from the Normandy campaign.
  • Large maps with many options of approaching the objective.
  • A very good combination of open spaces and areas with plenty of cover (buildings with at least one floor)
  • Nice and detailed interiors (no more empty houses like in the Moscow campaign)
  • Motorcycles which play a critical role in wide flanks and attacks from unexpected places. I was skeptical about their usefulness, but since they are fast and include an engineer they are very useful for going ahead of the main attack and placing a rally point in unexpected places to create unexpected points of attack, and also deal with oblivious tankers on their way to the main battle, and they can even be used as mobile pillboxes. Really good implementation. I love them.
  • A plethora of new weapons and vehicles and some interesting new melee and trench building mechanics
  • Very stable performance despite the much larger and more detailed maps (compared to some of the previous campaigns)

There are some visual (light clipping) or collision detection bugs I have noticed, but that is to be expected.

I am very excited about the new content, and this is the first time I do not regret buying the premium squads to access the closed beta. :grin:


i was excited for Tunisia but this is fucking awful.

Haven’t bought it. not sure I will.

Weeks of discussing how and why premium squads should be remotely relevant to gameplay. DF releases the weakest most irrelevant premium to date.


And this is one of the rare occasions where I agree with you fulheartedly.

My advice is: Don´t you dare to even look at your wallet. Unless they allow to buy single squad, not a whole pack, this is NOT worth it.

If Darkflow wants to repeat Berlin fiasco, then they shall have it.