"Battle of Tunisia": campaign discussion

I wish that they change their current policy so I can become one.

My reply wasn’t about whether it’s for me or not, but whether complaining about something we feel overpriced is equal to being broke or not. In normal game development participating in closed beta is a privilege but also a service you do to the devs and they are happy about it. In this game you need to pay to be able to give feedback, but if you don’t think it’s a fair deal you’re considered broke on the forums? That’s strange.

I thought they had that number already in Berlin but you’re correct, they added 95 eurocents to it, and this well thought out price leads to less bug reports to worry about. Bots don’t complain.

Btw. Tunisia feels good, just like Moscow does. :slight_smile:

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I’m fine with the 2pdr becaue the round existed. But youare 100% correct that the vehicles need to switch places.

Only issue with the 2pdr HE is while it existed it was never issued to the forces in Africa.
They can keep it though because its shit lmao

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That’s the thing, not OP. Not made up. So it wasn’t in Africa…big deal, in the scale of things in this game it is perfectly appropriate where they aim for historical REALISM vs. perfect historical accuracy in order to keep relatively fair gameplay. I am totally fine with it.


3 almost identical Thompsons as unlocks on 3 different levels seems lazy and borderline stupid.

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I really like the new content additions. One suggestion i would make is to grant progress bonuses on total xp earned instead of max campaign level. Give people bonuses for the xp they have earned on all campaigns. Only giving bonuses for higher campaign levels encourages people to play only 1 campaign/faction instead of trying them all.


I will go level by level (For Axis as that is what I play) and then give some general impressions.

FW 190 A-1 at level 16. German plane going into an Italian squadron. There are Italian options here. Specifically the MC 202 and the RE 2001 / RE 2002. Also. Fighter planes NEED some sort of light ground attack ordnance. They are the best counter to attacker/bomber aircraft you should not punish a player for wanting to counter those by giving them nothing to do while they wait for them to spawn. It can be light. All of the problems of aircraft revolve around the power of bombers. not fighters.

Level 17. German Flamethrower squad. Flamethrowers are still pretty useless in this game, but the Italians used Flamethrowers of their own design and consistently improved them. No reason not to have an Italian Flamethrower squad. Would rather an Italian one. Too many Germans.

Level 18. The Semovente is in every way worse than the Grant. You will need to replace this with a German Pz III or Pz IV and have a German unit here or do some major buffing to the Semovente. Give it a roof MG, powerful HE rounds, and a killer reload or this thing is DoA.

Level 19. ZB-26. A better MG. Sure it is Czech made, but Italy doesn’t really have many light MG options. Honestly, the only option would be captured French FM 24/29. And as much as I would like to see that, I certainly can’t justify it over the ZB-26.

Level 20. Infantry Squad II is also German along with Infantry Squad I. I think this can stay, as much as I want an Italian one, as long as there are mechanisms to have Italian Infantry troops in the game. One that doesn’t involve orders or Gold.

Level 21. Italians had motorcycles, with sidecars and MG’s. But still, it is great to see a free option for the motorcycle squad. I haven’t unlocked it yet, I just hope it gets an engineer, as I feel this is the most important part of the squad.

Level 22. Italian Assault squad with a faster firing SMG. Everything about this is good. Can’t wait to get it

Level 23. I would like to see an Italian Solothurn here, but hey I get it. The HEAT grenades are good, solid weapons.

Level 24. Italian Fighter Squadron? Check. 20mm armed death machine? Check. This looks great. Still think Fighters should get ground attack ordnance, but in lieu of that this is the best possible pick and will be devastating against other aircraft.

Level 25. German Engineer unit after getting an Italian one for Engineer I. No real problems with this. I would rather an Italian one of course, but this is a solid pick and the Gewehr 41 is a great weapon.

Level 26. Another Italian SMG? Count me in. It’s is a more accurate version of the SMG you get at Level 8. Which I actually really like. So all good here.

Gold ticket Rifle: AMAZING. Freaking AWESOME. A hard hitting semi-auto rifle? Just thank you. The Pavesi M42 is gorgeous too.
Gold Ticket Troop: Italian Medal winning Assaulter? Love literally everything about this.

Bersaglieri Premium Assault Squad? Must get.

M13/40 Premium Tank Squad? You are making me go broke here!!!. Love it.

Finally, general opinions. I can see improvements to the uniforms and such. Keep it up, still a ways to go, but great to see.

Still too much Germany for me. I hope this doesn’t become entrenched and serious options for converting some of them to Italy are discussed, vetted, and hopefully implemented.

All in all, however, as an Italy fan. I can build competitive lineups with just Italian units and I love that.

Things are coming along nicely. Not perfectly, but hey, some people like playing Germany, which is weird, but hey, what you gonna do?


Yeah. this still needs to be worked on. But the little changes (like swapping weapons) is appreciated.

Well, you must from a very wealthy country right?
A 50USD here means 5 days of meals , or 300 times of riding a bus here.
Also 50USD even on Steam, it’s already near a 3A games’ price.

Yeah, I can take F2P. But what they just done is beyond my expectation of treating CBT players.

I and all of my friends and members in my chatgroup will think twice before buying any CBT packs for this game.
It’s like getting stab in the back.

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The Crusader AP does 0 Shrapnel the only shrapnel is the shell itself flying through the tank

Loving the Tunisia progression just on the idea that it’s so much more horizontal than other campaigns, at least for the Axis.

No rifles are blatantly better than any others, nor are vehicles.

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Keep listening to the community. Consider a tree-like structure for campaign progress. I’m an Allies player (Normandy) at the moment and I’m looking to get the Thompson. I’m campaign lvl 19 and it will take me so long to get the Thompson (lvl 29) even with Premium and BP. If there was a tree-like structure for progress, it would allow me to skip some of the rewards I don’t want (e.g. tanks, planes, rifles) and instead opt for a quicker path to unlocking SMGs, my favorite weapon type.

Its interesting that we have so “many” fighters, yet we have like one CAS bomber for each side… and they perform horrible against those spongy tanks.

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I crush tanks with my Stuka…erry time. But the fighters are useless, I agree


the tanks in tunisia are really not that spongy. an explosion pack can kill the first two unlocks from 3-5 meters away, i think the problem lies with them being able to just drive out of the kill radius.

but the fighters are useless i will give you that


mg from this squad isnt visible ingame. the player is shooting an invisible MG.

this house, have road fences inside.

ps: Tunisia Ingame MAP is still low resolution. pixelated as hell


I use fighters pretty successfully in Tunisia tbh, especialy if someone decide to bomb shit of our team, they quickly go down. I almost got my fighter squadron fully upgraded thanks to that. But tbh, AAs are much more effective and less time comsuming.

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The fighters being useless part was more about them not being able to attack the ground

Less bombing is always a good thing imo.


Yeah sure. But there is no point in staying in the fighter after you shot the enemy plane down. So you end up spawning, shooting him down, then suiciding

A couple of 50kg really wouldnt hurt i think as you cant do much with em but you could get 3-5 kills per run if aimed correctly. That isnt to bad right?