"Battle of Tunisia": campaign discussion

I’m fine with them as they are now tbh. This will at least encourage people to play them as they should be played, as pure fighters to shot down enemy planes. In Normandy most people use them just as CAS and here it woudnt be any different if they had even those 50 kg bombs.

And when i shot someone down, most of time i kamikaze in enemy tanks, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt work, but still better to try than just jump out. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I would actually kinda agree with you if you actually got an ok amount of xp while playing pure Fighter*, but you really dont. The enemy team could spawn 15 planes in one match, and if you shot all of them down you would probably still be in the bottom half of the scoreboard which is kinda shit tbh

There is really no incentive other than «damn this stuka is annoying» to play pure fighters, and then you suicide anyway


Yeah, but that incentive is still there, better then just ignoring it and letting it kill me 5 more times.
And in my case it is more like this SBD is really annoying, as it is something that kills my Semovente most of times, because some butthurt is going for revenge kill because i killed one of his soldiers.

Yeah i get that. But you still wont stay in the fighter since it isnt worth it to wait for another plane. Most people (and i assume you aswell) would rather not waste time you could otherwise use to get more score/xp

I woudnt mind to stay in fighter, i know it is not that profiting, but most of time i have to help my team as it seems in Tunisia, Axis teams most of time are too much afraid to push objectives or idk, soo i rather help my team to win as much as i can, even when most of time it is not enough right now. Tbh i feel like some masochist playing axis right now with teams i get in there.

But will it not help your team more if you play objective?

Yeah this is a big problem for axis in every campaign (except weekends on normandy). I have maxed out berlin axis and it was so much pain. Definetly clear sign of stockholm syndrom that i actually like the campaign

I play objective like all the time, but it seems it doesnt help team as they are anywhere on map except objective like 60% of time.

Normandy been quiet nice for me as Germany tbh, but i enjoyed it for both sides, it is kinda balanced most of time at least from my perspective.
I didnt played Berlin as im not that much intrested in that campaign tbh, but seen on forum that it can be bad for Germany.
I got stockholm with Tunisia now, as i love there is Italians and i can finally play them, but those players, that is big ooofff. But i hope it will be something better in month or 2, as more players will have better gear and will learn how to play some maps.
Only thins i think i dont like on Tunisia is that its sniperfest as it is pretty open most of time.
And i hope they will fix Fortress Invasion, as first objective there is uncapped almost as fast as it is capped.

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i maxed out axis in tunisia when it was paid acces, planning to play more when it came out. but even though they gave us a 50% xp boost i really just havent bothered really. i am way more interested in the new levels for the other campaigns as there are maybe 2 unlocks i actually want in tunisia. but i just maxed moscow and berlin, and i am not mentally prepared for normandy rocket spam, so i might just grind my way through a few levels of tunisa tomorrow (stockholm syndrom at it again)

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Yeha maxed it too during Phase II, and there is a lot of thing i want, im almost at C.202EC and looking forward to it tbh, those 20mm will shread any allied plane, hehe. I know FW has them too, but that one is fyling brick tbh, just like in WT. And tbh i dont get that much of Exp thanks to loosing like 9 out of 10 battles.
After i will finish Axis in Tunisia i think i will max Normandy again, for both sides. But im not looking forward to exp another Assaulter squad tbh (Even when it is division i like at German side). But at least they have great starting perk. And AT gunners will finally have something to use.

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i wouldnt recommend getting your hopes up to much about those 20mm’s. according to the stats they are the same one the bf 109 g series has. and although they were historically (and in WT) extremely effective, atleast for the bf 109 they dont have the infamous HE rounds yet in enlisted so i dont think they will be on the C. 202EC either (its the same for the FW)

and also here is the xp requirement for level 4 SMG III squad in moscow. extremely painfull to level up

Thats what i thinked it will be, not looking forward to it. Tbh if it wasnt 91. Luftlande Division i woudnt even bother.

They work pretty well, at least against Hurricane and SBD from my experience, much better than just 2 12,7mm that RE has.
But i cant say how they work in Normandy on BF, didnt used it lately.

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oh yes it is better than the 12,7mm and the 7,92 mm. they are about as you expect being slightly better than those. but they are just a shadow of the mighty WT “air targets” ammunition

the hurricane and SBD are paper planes compared to the durability of the aircraft in normandy, so there is definetly a disconnect there yes. so you are probably correct about them being very effective in tunisia

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Oh yes, it is nothing like mighty “Air targets” belt, that just decimate planes, but lets be honest here, if it was here, there would be thread to “NERF GERMAN 20mm GUNS, I CANT FLY” in matter of seconds.
SBD can withstand something from 7,92 and 12,7, but 20mm kills it right away most of time, Huri is just a food for them, it takes one lucky 20mm to tail and tail says “sayonara” to rest of plane.

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Fighters still pointless. THEY NEED SMALL BOMBS. I know Italy made 50kg bombs. Not sure if the Re.2000 could carry them, but the Re.2000 is undergunned compared to the hurricane and should be replaced with Re 2001 or 2002. And they DEFINITELY could carry 50 kg bombs. For the second fighter you could do the cannon armed version of the Re.2001 CN variant could do this AND carry 50kg bombs. I understand planes need balancing, but it is the bombers that do the vast majority of the killing. The best counter to bombers are fighters. But too few people are going to go in a fighter that can’t kill infantry which just leads to more OP bombers.

The Semovente is crap compared to the Grant. In infantry centric battles the Grant is insane. (not to mention you can’t kill unless on flank with the M14/41) The Semovente needs a fast reload, HE rounds, and a roof MG, IMMEDIATELY. Just a huge imbalance in the campaign right now.

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Or make it easier to target inf with MGs/ cannons.

Sure, but right now. As is. This is a very poor setup

Just because you use CAPS LOCK doesnt mean you are correct, at all

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Oh look it is the troll. Trolling.

someone disagreed with me therefore they are a troll. fragile. sad.

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Could we get smoke grenades for Italian Tanks and Semovente? They all had this grenade launcher on the rear of the tank with 5 shots. It would be nice to provide smoke for concealment for your infantry.

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