"Battle of Tunisia": campaign discussion

They can even have different weapons in theyr main slot, only Eng have only MP 40 there, tbh i dont know it is a bug or future, but as MP 40 and Thompsons are both in campaign tree, i guess it is not a bug.

I was really surprised when i got erased by 2-pdr, i was like “What? Does it have HE? Thats bullshit, they didnt had them.”

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map even with out zoom its too pixelated/low resolution

They did have them - they just didn’t issue them to tank units. I have read that htey did issue HE to AT units in the Far East - Malaya/Singapore, because they didn’t expect to see tanks there so they expected the 2 pdrs to be used for infantry support hence HE was appropriate.

But yeah - the lack of HE for 2 pdr armed tanks is a famous historical screw up by the Brits.

That said - the 2 pdr AP penetration isn’t modelled correctly - it has trouble with 8mm armor on the AB41 FFS - IRL it could go through that at 3000m (pic below)!! Or 2000m when it (the armor!) had a 60 deg slope (according to WT)

So if you take away the HE then how about giving it correct penetration??



The M14/41 needs to have its hull mounted MG’s modelled. Right now they do nothing and it certainly needs the firepower.

If a friendly bomb falls close to a Motobike as we ride it, the bike goes flying crazy high. srsly funny to watch, but please, fix it xD

M14 has the mgs modelled, it is just they are shooting sideways, logged a bug report, not having anti AI defence makes it harder to use this…

Well, I think the A13 and Daimler should be switched, the AB41 Armor is like paper. Or give the light tank L6/40 to the Italian army. (I really like that italian small tank, ha :laughing:)
M14/41’s coazial MG have BUG, MG can’t rotate with the turret.
The Axis army’s submachine guns are not as good as the Allies in many ways.I hope more Italian submachine guns with excellent performance can join the campaign, like the MAB38、Beretta-M1918.
At last, more Italian and British squads can jion the campaign,and more light weapons in these two camps, like the mortars and grenades.

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The Re.2000 is beautiful, but like in the other campaigns the fighter needs a basic ground attack armament. Nothing spectacular, a couple of 50kg bombs would be fine. And for that you need a different aircraft. Of course there are the Re. 2001 and Re. 2002 which would both be options as they existed in the Regia Aeronautica at the time and could be given a bombload of two 50 kg (or more if desired) bombs. There was also the Macchi MC. 200 fitted with bomb racks in theater starting in March 1942. This would be a obsolete design but not necessarily too poor for Enlisted depending on the competition.


yeah dude tons of bombs bro, lmao bombs lmao just wanna bomb, bombs go brrrr. xD epic lmfao woah.

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I’m finding Tunisia a bit underwhelming now - even when I get a task to make kills with bolt action rifles I pref to go to Moscow.

Dunno what it is but the campaign seems a bit… well… boring :frowning:

There’s a glitch where you can melee if you’re driving a motorcycle, so yes.

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It’s time to shout Jezus Maria then.


It’s hilarious and weird that you consider players that actually support the game financially and can afford $50 “Whales” so….I guess that makes F2P players “leeches”?

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You weren´t around for Berlin, were you?

And you kind of missed the point of an entire post because I wasn´t shaming anyone for (not) making big purchases, so let me explain it for you.

If you purchased your way in Tunisia, you will have unlocked progression. So as result, you will end up with much more powerful equipment than anyone who didn´t do that (these people are forced to play with predefined and terrible performing squads).
Now tell me, is it fun for such a person to participate in Tunisia? No, of course not. You are going to end up absolutely steamrolled and as result, you won´t play the campaign.

So far all good, isn´t it? Just wait for the consequences which are: you still bought yourself into a very bad deal no matter the price because what you get is full PVE mode (majority of your opponents are bot commanded squads) which of course, is not much fun.
And consequences for the devs are: skewed statistics caused by absolute bot fest suggesting that this or that requires severe nerfs/buffs. The result is a botched campaign release such as Berlin. And that might be repeating itself again.

But ultimately, was the pack worth it? What you get is couple of shitty motocycles that are barely fit to be a decoration in the background in comparison to infantry squads, couple of gold and a ghost town with bots to level up on. So essentially, the pack is not even worth for you to buy (and if you were around for Berlin you would know that in advance). So what kind of players would buy this? Only absolute Tunisia fans or the so called “whales” willing to buy anything no matter what.

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I feel like I got every penny’s worth. Has revitalized the game for me.

That is great for you and I´m glad to hear it.

Wow, lot’s of words just to say that you are broke, because if $50 is a big enough deal to even mention then you qualify as broke. And yes you were attempting to shame people who have chosen to support the game bay calling them”whales”. Just remember that F2P is a marketing gimic to get people interested in the game and spend money. I just wish that true F2P players would STFU and take what they get for FREE.

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Yeah, and all those words are obviously useless because you still seem to be oblivious to the actual point of the posts. But at the end of the day, I provided you with an explanation, what you make of it is obviously up to you so there is no point in accepting such a flame war invitation.

Not too many words to express that you think $50 is a fair price for two motorized infantry squads plus 20-30 days of access to something that will be open to everyone soon for free.

Many others (including players on premium spending a lot earlier) don’t think so. For me $20 or less for the squads and $5 or 10 for the participation would be the sweet spot. They would still get their money as more people would be willing to pay, and test phase would be more successful.

Even though my son payed for it from his summer savings, so I can also test it, I heavily argued against it, considering how many humble bundles worth of money it is, and how many days of xbox game pass access it would provide.

Nevertheless a $25 Midas skin in Fortnite is a similar hit to my gut feelings about well spent money, and Tunisia looks and feels all right, so not a surprise I’m not in the sales department of any F2P development company. But $50 leaves a bad taste in my mouth even though I like what Darkflow does otherwise.

I hope they are willing to test other business models as well, e.g. I’m going for premium once I can gain some not pay-to-advance but pay-for-convenience developments, like the button to reveal bot squads. :slight_smile:

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You seemingly are not their target customer. They have the data and obviously they put more thought into the price point than just picking a number out of a hat. How much is a round of golf at a nice course? Many would/could not pay that cost either, yet many others do. I wonder how the paying customers would react if a golf course allowed anyone to play the 1st 3 or 4 holes for free? You get what you pay for and F2P players are getting full value.