"Battle of Tunisia": campaign discussion

Good luck with that

Untill they keep tests behind a pay wall, all we gonna have as team mates are bots to fill the spaces.

They should release the campaigns for free, and if you want to progress, you pay.

Exacly like when Berlin went from cbt to obt.

Non payer users could play and give feedback
Pay users could level the campaign to level 14 or so. If I recall correctly.

That way, we would see way more feedback. More users engaging ingame, and probably would justify the huge price they currently ask for our feedback.

Until then, you wonā€™t have much luck asking for spots on a cbt. Bots wonā€™t do it.


Tank MGs needs to be standardized on one keybind in controls.

Right now, Turrent 1 on grant fires second gun which is all fine, but all tank MGs in other campaigns counts as Turret 1 as well which creates issues with usage of keybind such as spacebar.
As result, while one tank works perfectly (Grant) in Tunisia, other tanks have issues with using and handling their own MG (pretty much any tank, be it Sherman or Pz IV).

We need a possibility to bind ā€œtank MGsā€ separatedly to these types of guns.

Except Berlin ā€œfreeā€ access gave you access to the worst of the worst compositions which greatly hindered your abilities to effectively participateā€¦
Doing this to Tunisia is fully repeating Berlin fiasco unless ā€œF2Pā€ access receives some solid squads and compositions.

I still remember outrages about Berlin being a ghost town as nobody in the right mind would play it in that stage.

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As far as I can tell. Tunisia itā€™s indeed a desert.


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Who would have guessed :clown_face:

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Nearly all i thought would worth mentioning was spoken here already. But i suggest G41 and M1 Garand to be removed from the campaign.

Also its painful to see your soldier who cannot grab himself on the shore off the water properly.

I liked when Premium squads got their main weapons fully upgraded and permanently attached to them, it should be a standard for premium.

I like current premium Tunis squads got also pistols that can be removed and given elsewhere. However i miss backpacks very much.


Shouldnā€™t be a surprise to anyone, but Iā€™ve discovered that player trenches and bipods donā€™t mix well.

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Also got some criticism from a Tunisian buddy of mine Iā€™m in a discord with who isnā€™t able to post here.

He says the setting is ahistorical to the actual fighting that occurred there, as the terrain reflects the wrong part of the country, and there are no bunkers like there was IRL.

And where are the mines?

Bunkers were only on Mareth line, and we dont have that location iirc.

Yeah thatā€™s the problem, thatā€™s where all of the fighting was.

And the terrain reflects areas too far inland.

And what about Sidi-Bou-Zid, Kasserine and another places? Not everything was on Mareth Line.

No bocage Maps in Normandy either so there you go ā€¦ Par for the course ā€¦

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Feedback Prety much ended from our sideā€¦

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Maybe the bots have more feedback.


Loving Tunisia.

Bayonet reach needs to be much longer. ATM you have to be almost inside them to impale

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At this stage of testing, each player can already take part in campaign battles, commanding a given set of initial squads with no access to progress and upgrades. Battle Pass progress in campaign battles is counted and saved!

Why learning from the past if we can do all Berlin mistakes and botch the place again huh?

Soā€¦ yet again (hopefully the last time): Not a single soul is going to play Tunisia enough without progression if the whales are going to steamroll them with ability to progress.
It is that simple
No wide progression= Big permanent disadvantage= No motivation for wide playerbase to play= Ghost town Tunisia= fights against bots only = skewed and unreliable statistics = botched Berlin 2.0

That is not hard to understand, is it?


  • Based on the results of the voting Motorcycle squads can now qualify in both vehicles and as infantry and no longer affect the limits on the number of squads with vehicles.

Also, all good, at least we can use tanks now if motocycle somehow makes its way to lineupā€¦
However, they are still worse option to use in comparison to literally any infantry squad so far because their role is so much different. As result, using motocycles will still be an annoyance and wasted slot for the user of that squad.
That makes usage of motocycles possible only for whales, or very special enthusiasts willing to suffer loss of the portion of combat ability.

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A great way to very quickly break through to the desired point and set a mobile rally point.

At long distance, motorcyclists destroy 3-10 enemies, fully paying for themselves.

Personally, I love this squad, if you donā€™t rush into the crowd of methods on it.


But wouldnĀ“t you be better off to order your squad to guard/capture the point while using engineer to build rally nearby (and use command to switch to the AI there once you are done)?

I can see this might be useful only on big maps, but we have yet to see these in Tunisia. And even then, that makes them too situational to be anyoneĀ“s pick in their few slots that we have at our disposal.
Introducing motorized infantry slot would serve such purpose you mentioned, but it wouldnĀ“t hinder your combat ability everywhere else.

AI in Phase 2 are behaving like Normandy CBT/OBT terminators
Firing through foliage
Plinking you the moment you show yourself from cover
Complete 180 from the bots we had in Phase 1 that behaved rather realistically

Least thatā€™s been my experience so far
Could just be ESP users let in by obt