The devs hardly make decent playable maps with cover, let alone urban maps.
I wouldn’t trust them to make decent playable flat maps. Closest ones are Tunisian maps and they are mostly god awful.
Soviet premium squad with ak47 in the korea campaign strangely dont sound bad
This would be nice or campaign vs Republic of China
Or Battle of Fulda gap.
AKs were not used in the Korean war.
The USSR did not have enough to give to the North Koreans or Chinese. The only Russians in the war were pilots who were not technically supposed to be there but the USSR sent them to fight in secret.
“vs China” instead of “with China”?
Better watch what you say, or you’ll join the red list.
Here is a photo of KOREA in the 1950s.
When I look at these photos, my thoughts about the korea war become stronger.
The weapons and equipment here are similar to WWII, but slightly different. In the U.S. Army, blacks and whites are fighting in the same unit, and there are helicopters. It is fun to watch the subtle differences.
Soldiers fight in extremely cold snowy landscapes, devastated cities and mountainous regions.
Fighting in the mountains has a lot of highs and lows, and it would be quite exciting to see this in a game.
As far as I know, I have never seen a Korean War FPS game. When Enlisted eventually expands to Coldwar Era, it will be the first Korean War game. I look forward to that day when it comes.
I have no idea what you are talking about and really don’t care.
You were there?
No, this is a photo I found on the internet.
I am just a nerd.
The Korean war was a very interesting war.
Sad its mostly forgotten.
You are absolutely right, WW2 comes back to people’s minds again and again, but the wars since then are forgotten with the passing months.
That war shaped, changed, and broke many peoples lives yet we do not cover it as much. It deserves the same amount of recognition as the Vietnam war and WW2.
My hometown is a small Japanese port town, but there were four movie theaters built next to each other. As a child, I wondered why there were so many movie theaters in a small town.
As an adult, I found out that it was brought about by the Korean War. After Japan was defeated in WW2, the Korean War started soon after and many American soldiers were waiting in my town. The town built many cabarets for them. The WW2 almost destroyed the town’s industry, but ironically, the sales from these cabarets helped the town to recover after the war. And when the Korean War ended, all the cabarets were converted to movie theaters.
As an adult, I learned about this fact and was very impressed to know that this historical event is connected to our lives today.
This photo shows the U.S. Army HQ in my town in 1950. This building was originally the headquarters of the Japanese Navy.
Well,I have gone off topic by talking at length about my hometown.
The Cold War is good, but the original topic, the battle between Japan and the Soviet Union, is also very interesting.
I would love to see the battle of Nomonhan in this game.
I know somebody who left Korea after she married a GI and they came to America. She still lives here and we and we go visit her every once and a while.
But yes. More theaters of war like cold war would be cool.
War itself is not good, but the myriad of lives it has shaped makes me feel like I am looking at something tremendous.
Its odd, I don’t like wars or violence (unless its necessary) but I play a game emulating one of the bloodiest wars in human history.
This is actually a cool proposat and could maybe open the way for a Sino-Japanese conflict maps.
This and Invasion of Manchuria would both be hype.