Battle for "hal hin gol"🇯🇵

I propose a new Company battle for “hal hin gol” so that the Japanese will not be bored

short explanation:

a local armed conflict between the Soviet-Mongolian troops and the Japanese Armed Forces, which lasted from spring to autumn 1939 near the Khalkhin Gol River in Mongolia. The final battle took place at the end of August and ended with the complete defeat of the 23rd Infantry Division of the 6th Separate Japanese Army. The armistice between the USSR and Japan was concluded on September 15, 1939.

as we see this is a big conflict and this company would diversify the game and even in the future update, players playing for the USSR could meet with players for Japan and the company would be one of the most balanced Armament and Equipment were almost the same

and this company would be 100 times better than the invasion of Manchuria there, in general, there would be a very large imbalance, I think there is no need for demons

if the developers see my post, let them consider



What about it?

One thing that could fix the Japanese boredom, is if there were actual players on the allied team.


Would give some variety in matches for both soviet and japanese players. This would be a welcome addition.


Border conflicts during 30s was not limitedto halhin hol, it was just the biggest one .

Biggest problem is;
All happened in northern manchuria and inner mongolia.
That place is just extension of mongolian steppes.
Hundres of kilometers of nothingness. flat, treeless area without very little to non human settlements, except couple of camping sites with bunch of temporary tents by herder tribes.
Matches can turn into sniping fest


Do people really want competition though?..seems to me people like to jump ship if they get a whiff of defeat.

and Im not talking about the early leaving cos imbalanced teams. I’m talking were winning for half the match then got broken…

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That’s going to be a lot more difficult when everyone is lumped into countries.
Maybe certain factions will just gravitate towards the BR where they have the most advantage and the process will repeat, we will have to wait and see.


No doubt. Thats warthunder.

Massive amounts of players at specific brs

3.3 -4.3 kv 1. T-34 power

5.3-6.3 tiger panther power

Etc etc

I mean they are iconic and much idolised, so its more than just their sheer power…even if they are faceroll

Yeah but if it happened to the same extent that it did now, the Soviet players would just end up getting up-tiered into all the Axis players.

assuming they don’t hard lock a ±1 BR spread like Warthunder. (I wouldn’t be surprised if this happens at some point, even though they haven’t said as much)

they will only hard lock few campaigns like pacific where one side doesnt have high BR weapons. everything else will be soft locked (or maybe hard locked on broader spectrum like ±3 or ±5 BR ).


Reasonable but usually only in certain factions. I also feel this in Moscow Allie and Tunisia Allie. Players in a specially overpowered side tend to get used to play against bots or very weak enemy, as time goes they become less effective against actual resisting enemy, so once there they met a skilled enemy team, there is almost no chance to win.

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Which doesn’t necessarily needs to be a bad thing.

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Also didn’t the Soviets actually use their IS 3 Tank against the Japanese at the end of the war?

Ha-Go vs IS 3 sounds pretty balanced to me, and if you disagree simply flank it you noobs.


in the Khal Khan Gol battle, the USSR had simple BT-5s, BT-7s had no serious tanks


yeah, which seems like a very balanced fight, if anything this battle makes actually a lot of sense.


A soviet vs japan battlefield come eventually for necessity (and probably even a china vs japan one) is only matter of time

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And hopefully korea war and vietnam war…

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Or even Operation Unthinkable.