Battle for Berlin Reinforcements: Level 22-23

True, the IV/70 ( V) has 80mm of frontal armour, the IV/70 ( V) only 50 or 60 at the sloped part.
I hope they allow us to use the Panzergranate 40/42 for the 7,5-cm-StuK 42 L/70 :wink:

Considering that the devs have repeatedly been giving vehicles underpowered and ahistorical / outdated ammunition in past campaigns… don’t count on it. (ex, in Normandy, the M4A2 should have M61 APCBC-HE, not M72 solid shot, the Pz IIIN should have Gr.38 Hl/C, etc.)

this needs to be changed immediately. smdh

I guess you are right! Shame I was hopping for a bit more then what I think is heading too much towards CoD

Poor SU-85 doesnt even have an MG in a Urban campaign :joy: :joy: :joy:

Don’t need an MG after the latest HE buff. Just wait for the bots to bunch up and BOOM Multi-Kill x13

Well there is ZERO reasons to use a casemate TD especially in Berlin tbh. Both Panther and the T-38 are better that those TDs since they have same guns+MGs+ a turret. Both of those TDs are useless imo and are just grind fillers… Disappointing

I like WW2 stuff, that’s why I play WW2 games. More WW2 stuff to drive and look at makes me happy, idk why you’re so worried about the “meta”

no no i am not worried at all. I am just saying that adding TDs in a infantry focused game and especially in a campaign with only urban maps is pointless

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Can the new tanks be on a separate squad?!

There is no point selecting it over a panther, or a pz4 over a panther right now…once we unlock a better tank, there is no point going back. Having a unique squad per tank would give us options in-game…

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The recent additions and vehicle types they’ve showcased lend me to think we will be getting more players per game and larger maps to fight on in the near future.

I disagree. But that’s just me that mostly play as a tanker in-game. Once u know the spawns, and common routes, current game maps on Berlin are more than perfect for tank VS tank gameplay

I would say it’s by far the best tank experience in-game imo.

I mean as you said earlier there is no real reason to choose a TD instead of a tank. So i think we are in the same page here :slightly_smiling_face:

Current panzer 4 70 have a huge flaw by design. If it comes as warthunder was making panther more viable.

On the other hand I might consider changing it over panther g since I own panther a as premium too. But. I would prefer to keep both panthers and current TD so I can play tanker over and over again…

But yeah. My statement is that we will loose content once players get endgame items. No one ill use panzer 4 once they unlock a panther…

Having a squad dedicated for each type of tank would make us have options in-game, and not on the lobby.

Eh also Pz 4 is kinda shit against the T-34s in Berlin :joy:
Constant one-shots, while you cannot even pen the back of the T-34’s turrets every time

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Keep in mind that once a king tiger it’s avaiable there is no point in choosing panthers or tds…
We will loose content on the long run if we don’t have dedicated squads per tank…

Same on plane squads.

Personally i would prefer to stick just to mediums tanks and not go farther to heavies but i am sure this wont be the case. Also i believe that the next tank will come with a new squad. Kinda surprised tbh that these 2 TDs dont have their own new squad :thinking:

Same… What can we do…

Would like to have a dedicated squad with it, but I guess that isn’t much we can do…

heavies a

So defenders die like 1700 times in invasion?
Next time count how many kills defenders have.
1000+ tikets = 300-400 kills most