Battle for Berlin Reinforcements: Level 22-23

So, using your own logic.

If 10 people shoot themselves in the face with a shotgun, you are going to shoot yourself in the face with a shotgun yes? After all, why try and stop the trend instead of going with what everyone is doing.

As for the name of a company. Square Enix. Primarily to do with FF14, they’ve added time and time again features requested by the community so many times we lost track.

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free too play games will allways have its player base no matter what the devs do … some will like the changes , others will not !!..

IF you dont like Enlisted soo much !! why bother !!
Folks there is plently of other games !!!.. just press install !!!

Please. I can only get so erect.

a P1000 Ratte that disgorges multiple AI controlled Lowes


Special Edition of Enlisted comes with a machine that plugs in via USB. When you select an infantry squad it spits on you and calls you dirty names.


don’t forget to add leo 2a6 and t-90m as premium vehicles

Juhu Neue Waffen. :crazy_face:

Hopefully we will be getting larger and more open maps to take advantage of these beasts



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Jaaa, Oder front bitte!

I will travel back in time and let the Wehrmacht know calling them self-propelled guns was wrong.

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New type of vehicles is really nice, but fixed gun? Maps are too small for them, anything that is on your flank is your death.

Also I don’t like that MG34 with patronentrommel is a separate gun. It makes a little sence as the top cover is replaced in comparason to normal MG34. But if you will do the same for the belt fed version of MG34 or MG42, then I have no idea what’s wrong with you.
Well, I guess proper upgrade system was always out of question.

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you can add or remove scopes, I don’t see why that wouldn’t have been hard.

No diea. But aparently that’s what we have.
Saying that, excuse me but I have to make a sugestion.

Let me spoil how it will go for you:

you: instead of a separate squad have the saddle mag be an unlockable upgrade.

Devs: here’s a new plane with 10 thousand pound bombs and a new tank :DDD

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People complaining about heavy tanks when all you have to do is blow up their tracks.
This could lead to the introduction of adhesive explosives too but oh well.

Ooh jaaa, ich vant Mein CBT as vell ven ich play Deutsch Berlin team

My main gripe isn’t balance but that they add nothing of value to the game and that we don’t need 300 different tank models in an infantry game.

It’s just the devs pandering to nonsensical requests to make a quick buck, like submarines in war thunder.

I must say, in all honesty, I’m not excited for the vehicles announced here. My thoughts in detail as follows;

The IV/70 chosen isn’t ideal for Germany, having clear weakspots on the front, though I understand if the Su-85M is it’s counterpart. Yet at the same time, that it is placed at a higher position in the campaign tree than the Panther leaves the question as to why someone would want to use it. I would recommend swapping the T-34-85 and the Panther G with these two self-propelled guns, as it would make more sense as to a feeling of progression.

The fact that it was decided to add self-propelled anti-tank guns rather than infantry-support guns, like the Brummbär / Sd.Kfz. 166 and the ISU-152, also seems puzzling to me, given the infantry focus of the game. Such vehicles would at least make sense in their presence, whereas I cannot understand why someone would chose either the PzIV/70 or SU-85M over their tank counterparts in Enlisted, given the presence of infantry and the comparative rarity of tanks - and their tank counterparts having effectively equivalent anti-tank capability as well.

Were they instead something like the Jagdpanther and SU-100, they at least would have some actual capability advantage in the anti-tank role, there would be a point to such anti-tank vehicles, but that is not what we see here.

As for planes, the fact that relatively common planes were chosen to be premiums also is puzzling to me. There are quite a few choices that could have been made premium that were far rarer in use, that would be quite exciting for the community, so why such weren’t considered just… confuses me.