Battle for Berlin Reinforcements: Level 19-21

AVS have terrible recoil, you almost can’t use its auto mode.

Well it works for what it’s intended for: give an edge over semi or bolt action in cqb… also the fg now having less bullets will see it used in a similar way so I don’t see much of a problem here. I like the AVS, it never failed me before.

Well, if nothing else it sounds like the VG1-5 will replace the VG2 as my Assaulters’ secondaries then. Not saying it’s ideal, but… well. I’ll be using them.

FG have 40, AVS got only 30.

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Hope they have buffed 7.92 Kurz. Otherwise, it’s just an M1 carbine given to assaulters, nothing but a trash.

Because FG has a 20 round magazine. And all semi-auto only has 3 magazines and about 30 rounds in total.

And actually just comparing stats FG is better than DP-27. Same recoil, but x2 rpm.
Just less ammo.
Looks kinda unfair for soviets. All german squads can have thing which is kinda better than soviet mgs.

And it will be for everyone ! :smiley: Ridiculous, it should be locked only for engineers and gunners maybe radiomans …

EDIT: Or change AVS to AVT.

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Gunners, maybe assaulters. But not other soldiers.
Just as one guy said, berlin’s gonna turn into a full auto circus.

AVT still have awful recoil. Won’t help.

But full auto circus in this late war stage is OK … LIKE OK hmmm :zipper_mouth_face: … but FG42 comes with engineer squad so i don’t think that they make it for assaulters.

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That’s what I’m talking about.
Haven’t played Normandy but I heard a lot of whine about FGs on every soldier.

Try comparing recoil per second instead of recoil per shot. It’s recoil per second that actually determine how it’s like to use a weapon

I play normandy like right now and is really ok … not so terrible i got premium BAR squad they melt FG42 like butter :wink:

EDIT: they got us in the first half :smiley: but BAR is BAR man is very good weapon, and i think PPDs in Berlin does a trick.

Welp, we’ll see what’ll happen.

Still waiting for the king tiger btw.



VG 1-5 is a “Rifle”, Not a SMG as you said. its just a Semi-Auto rifle. No full auto.

It must be common weapons, Like G43 and Kar98K.

It is a “rifle”, not a “SMG”. Germany needs another rifle. Not a SMG.

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Yes. Why something like M1/M2 carbine should be given to assaulters? Why don’t the Soviets give SKS 1944 as a counter?

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Another point:
“But but GE get better lmgs UwU”


Can any GE lmg make you feel like the Lord???

I take the Degtyaryov any day thank you.

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Vg1-5 in alpha was only semi auto and as far as I remember was used on trooper class.

Was an amazing powerful gun with little to no recoil.

Was my favorite after the stg.

You know, that could be a solution…

The VG could be a TROOPER weapon instead of an assaulter one. (Why ditch a fully auto smg for a semi one when your job is to storm an spray)

BUT!!! To balance this out, put the fg42 as a specialist class weapon, not meant for troopers. I don’t want troopers to get full auto weapons. The VG semi might pass, but that aside, troopers are peasants and should remain as such.