Battle for Berlin Reinforcements: Level 19-21

I play both sides.
And I hate that “germany suffers” crying. Haven’t seen any games where krauts are actually underpowered.
Also ppsh with box mag isn’t that good. Mp-35 is better at mid range.

I don’t mean whole german stuff is underpowered. I’m just saying that PDD40 is weapon of unreal capabilities. It is like sniper rifle combined with minigun :smiley: I personaly dont use this weapon when i playing russians … It feels to OP to me. And that is what i want to say. Winchester and mosin with bayonet reminds me good old huraaa charge :slight_smile:

In first Berlin test back in Open Alpha it had normal full auto mode as far as I remember. I think it is translation error

Why do you ruin it for them. The placebo affect is great to watch.

This is directly from Wikipedia:
VG 5 (a.k.a. VK 98). Best known is the Volkssturmgewehr by Gustloff which was a gas-delayed blowback semi-automatic rifle.

But i didn’t play berlin test so i dont know how developers decided. :face_with_monocle:

EDIT: Watch this: Shooting a VG1-5 (Gustloffwerke) Rifle - YouTube

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Fools spouting disinfo has always rubbed me wrong

Not sure… that premium squad uses a ppd40… and it destroys, even at mid range, easily. It has no recoil (maybe the recoil reduction perk has an important role here) so even if the bullet loses alot of power quickly over distance, the sheer amount of bullets makes up gor it. Also you can’t aim back when you are under the lead spray of doom. I love the thing. (I hate it if I play GE)
Germany on the other hand receives a semi auto (?) Weapon for their assaulters? Just feels a bit odd.

The only thing I’m afraid is that even if most people here love to bash “wehraboos” and want them nerfed (?) Or have better stuff on the allied side, is that it will culminate into a pve botfest. Who would even want to play GE side nowadays? Even I that normally has the random team box checked now uncheck it to play easy effortless games on the russian side.

… Sorry GE, but apart your lmgs, your zipguns don’t appeal much to me when I can have drum mags smgs and stalinium tanks 🤷

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We will see, i watched many videos about that rifle and it always seems to semi-auto like G43.

90% of this forum is disinfo and bias

Huh, I’m pretty sure that it had full auto mode back then, but you are right. It says that it only had single-fire mode irl.
If that will be the case also in Enlisted then it would be honestly absurd to match semi-auto rifle with PPD as a weapon for Assaulter.


StG 1-5
VG1-5 is the semi-auto one

gib both pls

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Hope you don’t use mg34 and stuka when playing germans.

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Germans are getting good autos for everyone, soviets are getting good smgs for assaulters.

Soviets also get good autos :thinking:

Are you saying AVS-36 is a good auto…? It has nearly double vert recoil and still more horz recoil than the FG 42. In line with the Germans’ advantages in MGs, only FG 42 has the low recoil for rambo gameplay.

Maybe they buff the 7.92 Kurz. If not then Vg1-5 is a shit.

I mean, they did it on Normandy with the matchup of M1 Carbine vs FNAB-43.

Not exactly. It is clearly said here that both PPD and VG will be equipped by Assaulters. So they should be at least in some part equal (not identical of course).

M1 and FNAB is slightly different example, because FNAB is obviously only for Assaulters and M1 can be equipped by everyone. Something similar is done in Moscow, where on some level Germans get PzB39 and Russians get the second mortar. Two different weapons, that can’t be directely compared.