
No further comments, your honor.


respect +

check this

Why was that little guy with a Madsen doing in a BR5 match?

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At least 5 probably 7 of your teammates are bots based off of the usernames

This must have been a bot match.

3 players vs 7 players - fun

You had very Bad luck, this doesn’t have any solution, You got gaijined bravo🥳 it always happen to me too so don’t fell bad for it

Hmmm, maybe Harmless Bot was the one capping my ass the last game I played immediately every time I spawned. :thinking: Diabolical! :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Those Bastards! :yum:
Harmless Bot

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Germany needs some love, quickly

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No. They don’t.

What needs to happen is all the Veterans who chase memes need to go back and play Germany b/c German noobs are outplaying their veterans.

Yes, gauntlet thrown.

I play East Coast US, NA server, BR2.

Maybe the rest of you are seeing Steam players as easy, but I’ve seen them getting over the learning curve very quickly.

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I will stay with US until something is done to Germany.

  1. They play defence 8 of 10 games, this gets boring really fast.
  2. Overall i think Germany is getting a big beating (especially by USSR).
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And yet, to continue the confusion going on with this game, you don’t bother to list time played, server played on, etc.

This is unhelpful and a waste of space.

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This past week, I have noticed a vast majority of games I have played that in the end, I would be the only Marshall and everyone else on both sides had fairly low ranking. So, if that signifies a lot of non vet players, a lot of them were pretty good. Taking that in mind, I was on the losing end several times when a lot of these players don’t seem to know how to take an objective. Level 5 last night, I am on the allies vs Germans and we were the attackers. We barely took the first objective before the game was over. That being said, I managed with every unit to get inside the objective, and every time I never saw another single Allie while I waited inside…Waited to die since there was no help.

In this game, I had one of my best Mortar and artillery kill games ever, yet when I would kill 20 or or more people doing it, not once did I hear, “our men are taking the objective”, not once!.. So, some of the new people are pretty good at shooting, but not good at taking or defending. When I play with vets and people are being wasted with Mortar’s or artillery, you almost always at least hear “our men are taking the objective”. It doesn’t always mean you end up taking it, but at least the vets I think realize that is the opportunity to rush in.

These younger players need to learn you can’t take an objective by hiding behind a building doing that stupid looking lean forward or backward shooting all game. There comes a time you have to rush in, damn the casualties. :rofl: And what is it with that “lean forward or backward” thing anyway? I understand it when your peeking around a corner, but I see people doing it all the time out in the open with no cover in site. :rofl: Nothing more satisfying then capping his ass for trying to lean while shooting in the open, then just dropping down on the ground, actually making himself a harder target. :yum:

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Im not sure what you want with that information??

But i play on EU servers.

And if you click my picture, you can see when i joined the forums, and my Stalingrad badge… That should give an indication that im not new to the game, right?

With those soviet players i don’t need to do much to win…

oh wait we lost anyway :thinking:


Because not all servers are the same. Not all player sides are the same.

For instance, I still see people whining about Germany being weaker, yet, I’ve seen a distinct improvement in their play over the last few weeks. Two or three weeks ago, I got the achievement for ten games won in a row. HA! I’m not even that good.

Yet, now, same time, same servers, I’m lucky if I win 50% of the games. From my POV, Germany was weak for perhaps two weeks, total. But the Allies were winning for maybe two weeks out of the last three months.

So, it helps (even for the Devs) to know the experience of players in different regions. They don’t need to “fix” Germans on the NA servers at all.

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Germany needs love

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