
When I was playing today I found it kind of one sided i don’t know about
You but in Berlin, Stalingrad and Moscow it was Germany crushing Russia
But in Normandy on the other hand it was America punishing the Germans always tell me what you think


germany has more players than soviets. 5-9% in berlin and moscow and relatively equal in stalingrad. on other hand allies have ~5% more players than germany in normandy

cause playerbase ratio is relatively close (so it isnt major factor like before), equipment balancing and previous map balancing comes into play.
in berlin (high tier queue) soviets dont have exact counter to KT. they can take IS2 but it has terrible reload, while in normandy allies have counter to KT in guise of P47.
on lower queue maps (moscow, stalingrad) soviets are at disadvantage cause devs balanced it for soviet domination cause of low axis playerbase number so axis will have big advantage in reinforcements and cap times.


Way too complicated picture, no info helping to navigate it, and no citation for source - please simplify and/or explain??

1 — kopia

Game is very easy after the update. I lost only one match as a Germany.

Even Japan is playable again.

German been grinding Berlin non Stop before merge thanks for Soviet abandoning Berlin, and what do you think merge happens and release the Berlin Axis out in the wild?

simplified (have taken crossplay on cause it is more relevant instead on+off)



What is kt ?

Blame the soviet main asking for a IS2 1944 though


King Tiger/Köinings Tiger/Tiger II Heavy tank

that is when fanboys demand OP toys without thinking about counter. i would rather have balanced game without OP toys even if they were present historically. this game could have easily gone without either both KT and both IS2


Not really, hvars are pretty much useless against tanks after nerf.
And the one bomb really isn’t something exceptional.

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Axis had KT before Sov’s got the 1944 - and both KT’s are better tanks than either of the IS2’s just because of reload time and ammo count!

i have long stopped using hvars against big cats (and even smaller tanks).

it is enough to kill big cats and it is more accurate than rockets if you are skilled at dropping bombs.

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Too little too late son, just like paratroopers ,they are here to stay, yes, we gonna get that Doviet Paratrooper with Fedorov Automat soon

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And you know what, soviets are asking for KV2 and ISU 152, good luck with those, I mean, double the reload time sounds fun, don’t worry about what germans gonna get right?

Okay, but it’s definitely not efficient thing to do.

Yeah, but it is nothing special. You can have better bomb loadouts with different planes.
P47 now is mainly anti infantry plane now.

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i find it to be multipurpose plane. it is decent at anti tank and anti plane, while having great anti infantry firepower. you could probably get better bomb loadout, but you would loose other attributes.

Brumbar and Sturmtiger :slight_smile:

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Yeah, it is still great plane. But definitely nothing miraculous which would save your team from Tigers II consistently.

But tbh Tigers II are extremely overrated. They are kinda mediocre against infantry.

Can be StuH42, Brummbar, Jagdtiger and Sturmtiger… wait till them ask for IS3 and German get MAUS for the funni