
At that point any big cat are just mediocre against infantry, but who cares about that at all in this game?

problem is that they are hard to kill with tanks and AT guns. specially KT(H) camps on long range in gray zone. you can still kill him with planes and panzerfaust, but long range shots with it need skill and precision.

also idk its anti infantry capability, but shouldnt it be better than tiger E? i know that KT HE shell has bigger TNT charge than tiger E.

1.02kg vs .9kg Amatol - which might be slightly countered by a higher muzzle velocity - which makes it a flatter trajectory and hence less optimal fragment and explosion shape.

But probably not much, so I’d guess they would probably not be noticeably different.


Having the alternating lines be bolded or filled-in in some way would make the chart a lot readable, but great data. How was the info acquired?

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this is from warthunder
for tiger E:

for KT

data was datamined from replay info

true. i will later add google sheet for everyone wanting to play with data.

Germans will win the vast majority of all games now, including normandy. Not sure why you say u.s. is winning there

Germans should get NOTHING from this point on till ussr and u.s. get caught up for balance.

I agree lets get rid of all germany’s tier 5. Then and maybe then only will i return to the game after this shit show

Clans mostly, US has many sweatlords pulling the weight.

Ha how about tell the rusky shut up about adding stupid stuffs? US? Why the fk I care about US when they have no mercy with Japs?

What I’ve been saying is based on tier 5

No one cares about the japs, let’s be honest.

I think only you son, there is a whole Jap discussion forum of people looking forward it

Why do you keep calling me son? Do you realize most of us are adults. Children play CoD. According to the data sheet, half of all jap players in matches are bots. Even after merge

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The difference is, japs don’t have to go up against end game players
