Average jumbo main

Kommunist betritt den Gulag

Off to sibir you go,what is gulag?


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Gulag is summer camp in Sibir, made to welcome fascists pigs. We treat them well, yes.



You will banned xD
Its forbidden

No, they’re playing minecraft.
Mine coal\uran\rary metals and the like thing

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My argument is that Normandy mains are the literal worst.

Point: Normandy is easily the most generic campaign to attract the normiest of normies, and normies are bad.

Point: Normandy has the most ahistorical equipment, so it discourages men of culture who care more about legitimacy than shinies.

Point: the aforementioned shinies such as the Jumbo, M2 carbine, Panther, and FG-42 are deliberately designed to attract the most lowbrow by being OP while they’re out of place.

Point: Normandy has the most powerful ground attack capability in aircraft, attracting KD neanderthals.

In conclusion to reiterate my argument, Normandy bad.


Might I offer a Third Position



But sooner or later a StG Recon (still lol hard) and PPSh meta :sleepy:

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Yes… I would have done without BOTH weapons in my Beloved Moscow… both faction will absolutely need to outfit their troops with them to remain competitive. I’m not the greatest fan of automatics (outside Berlin)

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Guess they are out of options in Moscow and turned it into “Eastern Front Part I” or sth. like this.

i don’t want to see at moscow anymore, players using 3 squads of assaulter for ppsh41 and 3 squads of sniper for stg adding them was a bad idea

TLDR:normandy is for cod avarage player


If you want to see the most scummy tactics, visit normandy!
[Message from the postcard send from the atlantic wall]


my favorite is, rhino apc suicide rush to the cap, with grenade spam

But are there any options?
Berlin? Ehm Yeah…
Africa? The way how the Axis play there? Moly holy.

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I’m not against weapons I don’t care I’m against adding the same class more times, giving them op weapons, now in Moscow they spam assaulter and sniper who knows why?

The axis was dominating in Tunisia up until this past Sunday when they revived the ancient tradition of not staying in the same zip code as the objective.